Email Automation

What are Email Automations? 

Email automations are the main way to create timely emails for your customers or users without needing to write and send one every time. By now, most of us are used to some of the standard automations, especially the order confirmation email after a purchase. However, they can go much farther. Effective email automations can increase your website’s functionality, attract new customers, retain old ones, and generate sales. The best part? It all happens automatically and saves you time. 

Automation will also keep track of each user’s engagement with emails and can be connected to your ecommerce platform (for customer relationship management). Those metrics are extremely valuable because they can create personalized email automations. Someone hasn’t opened an email in 3 months? Someone else hasn’t bought something from your website’s store in 6 months? Email automations can entice them to renew their interest in your business. 

Creating Email Automations 

There are a few standard email automations that are effective for nearly every business: 

  • Order confirmations – confirm a customer’s order with purchase invoice 
  • Shipping confirmations – notification of package shipment with tracking information 
  • Birthday Greetings – a personalized birthday message 
  • Abandoned Product/Cart – reminder of product(s) placed in cart, but not purchased 
  • Welcome to New Subscribers – friendly welcome to a new newsletter subscriber which often includes a one-time discount 
  • Cross-sell or Upsell – notification of products similar or related to those previously bought by a customer 
  • Win-back – notification to unengaged subscriber who has not opened any emails after X days 
  • Sunset Email – notification that an unengaged subscriber will be unsubscribed 

The strength of these automations will depend on their design, how they are scheduled, and their workflow. Order and shipping confirmations should be instant notifications, but an abandoned cart email should wait at least an hour or more before reminding a customer. 

Workflows refer to an email’s set of conditions that can then flow into another email automation. A common workflow is a win-back campaign. The win-back email sends when a subscriber has not opened an email in X days, e.g. 90. The win-back entices them to open the email and open future ones as well. If they open it, they loop back into the normal subscriber segment. If they do not, then they move into the sunset email’s workflow. After another set of days, they receive an email that tells them they will stop receiving emails unless they want to stay subscribed. If they open the email and want to stay subscribed, they move back into the regular segment. If not, they will be unsubscribed from the list. It may seem like a bad thing to “lose” subscribers, but this kind of workflow curates your subscriber list. A smaller subscriber list engaged with your emails is much better than a massive list that never even sees them. Besides, un-engaged subscribers can actually damage sender reputation. 

Best Practices 

Don’t Spam: There are countless kinds of email automations that you can set up for your business’s website, but you don’t want to flood clients’ inboxes. They’ll unsubscribe, block your emails, or, even worse, mark them as spam. That last one can prevent others from receiving your emails because they become targeted by spam filters. To get past these filters you also want to make sure you aren’t making ad heavy subject lines and are following Canada’s anti-spam legislation, such as always including unsubscribe links. You need to determine what kind of automations best suits your business and users. 

Personalization: It may be surprising that a strength of email automation is personalization. One of the simplest ways email automations personalize emails is by using your customers’ first names. Setting up an automated email that addresses someone by their name immediately increases open rates. It can go even further though. Email automation with the assistance of your CRM (customer relationship management) will track if someone opened the emails, visited a link, what they have purchased, and more. You use this valuable information about each of your customers to segment subscribers based on their interests and behaviours to send more specific product recommendations or notifications. Your customers are giving you a lot of valuable data; use it to their advantage, and yours. Personalization will make customers feel like they are receiving tailor-made emails from a friend. This will quickly increase email engagement and click-through rates, meaning more visits to your site and potential sales. 

Design Templates: Visually striking and well-designed emails will increase engagement, but they can take time. Create email templates in your email automation service to save future time. Email marketers can focus on the content and plug them into the template for each campaign. Use the same template styles for all other automated emails. This will also give your emails consistent branding, which keeps users engaged.

In Summary 

Effective email automations have become an essential part of ecommerce. They are key for retaining your customers, gaining customer loyalty, and will save you a lot of time in the future. Want some help figuring out your email automations? Rosewood can help you pick the right service, get set up, and build effective workflow automations. Contact us today.

Rosewood Marketing Instagram reels tips for making short video.

Want to grow your business and reach your dedicated community? It may not be for everyone, but consistency is key for staying at the top of your followers’ feeds. You may have posts and stories worked out, but what about Reels? Don’t let them fall by the wayside with these tips for great Instagram reels. Instagram currently prioritizes Reels for suggested content. This means they are the best way to reach your target audience and grow your following and reach on the platform. 

Need some tips to help get you started? Here are 5 to get your Insta Reels rolling:

  1. Take advantage of the all the features: Instagram’s algorithm prioritizes creators who use the new functions and features. Adding filters, camera effects, audio, and/or text to your video will give your Reels a leading edge for appearing in viewer’s feeds. Just don’t add too many. Instagram prefers a little over a lot. Bonus – Captions: The majority of video on social media is watched without sound, so adding text or captions is essential for reaching most viewers. Your content will be more discoverable and also more accessible to anyone with hearing difficulties. 
  2. Not too much production: Pretty, produced videos are great for selling your product(s), but people also love seeing what makes your brand tick. Informal and genuine short clips from behind the scenes are a great place to start for Reels. They’re easy to make, take little planning and time, and have a personal touch. Just make sure to keep the video quality high. Neither Instagram’s algorithm nor viewers like a blurry Reel.
  3. Use trends and brands for inspiration: Look through the Reels tab see any current trends and aesthetics that are consistently popping up. Look at other creators you like or members of your industry for ideas. But don’t just copy. What are they doing? What do you like? How can that content work for your brand?
  4. Be authentic and sincere: Sell what your brand is, not what it isn’t. Don’t underestimate the ability of a customer to see right through false or insincere content that’s hopping on another major trend. Your followers were drawn to your brand in the first place, so make sure to keep emphasizing that niche and give your content that unique touch.
  5. Share content from your community: Not only is this content you didn’t have to make, but it’s also a genuine positive response to your brand. Sharing that content engages with your community, strengthening that connection and making people feel a part of your brand. Don’t just share though. Some extra text creates engagement, and Instagram deprioritizes content that is simply reshared.

These tips should give you a better handle on making great Instagram Reels. Don’t forget to have fun and flex those creative muscles. A couple other general tips. 

  • Include a call-to-action that drives viewers to the link in your bio. 
  • Share your Reels to your main feed and add hashtags to increase discoverability. Just 3 to 5 will mean reaching more viewers.
A graphic of a man sitting on a stool taking a photo of a women. These will be used to update the website photos.

You only get one chance to make a good first impression with your customers, which is why it’s so important to put the time and effort into updating your website. If you haven’t reviewed your website photos recently, we highly recommend doing as soon as possible. Keep reading to discover the top reasons to update your website photos to keep attracting new customers to your site.

Make a Great First Impression

When someone visits your website for the first time, you only have a few seconds to make a good impression. Outdated images can completely wreck your chance of converting a browser to a customer. This is why you always need to offer high-quality and up-to date-images that are reflective of your current branding and your current products. If you haven’t replaced your images for years, it may be time to make some updates!

Your Website Photos Should Evolve With Your Business

No business should stay in the same place year after year. When you still have the same images up on your site that you did two or three years ago, it’s clear to customers that you haven’t improved your offerings or your products during this time. Your website needs to show growth and evolution, so make sure you keep updating it with images of recent events and changes within your business. Brand photography and videography services can help you to show a clear tone or message through each image on your site, which is important for consistency and to continue evolving your business.

Keep Your Clients Up to Date With Current News and Events

A picture is worth a thousand words, so it’s the best way to keep your clients informed about the changes within your company. Adding new pictures each week or month shows them the recent activity within your business, and can show off your employees’ achievements and the customer service you offer. You could even feature images of happy customers, showing how dedicated you are to offering the best service or product possible to them. A quick and easy way to do this is linking your Instagram to your website so it is seen as a gallery! 

There’s nothing worse than landing on a website which doesn’t look like you’ve spent any time or effort on it recently, so make sure you take some time out in the upcoming weeks or months to update your site as needed.

These are just a few of the top reasons to keep your website photos updated. Your website is an online storefront for your company, and you need to do all you can to stay ahead of your competition. When comparing two different businesses to purchase a product or service from, you’ll find that the images on your site could be the one thing that stops someone from choosing you in the future. If you need help updating your site this year, get in touch with our team today. We have a team of photographers and videographers with a wide range of specialties.