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Blogging, RosewoodVA, Deanna Simone, Aurora, Newmarket, York Region, Website Designer

As an entrepreneur it can feel like you are endlessly changing hats. You are simultaneously your CEO, IT team, marketing agency, financier and cheerleader. When every moment matters and time management is essential, adding one more task to the mix, blogging, might have you skeptical. But blogging, writing small topic-specific posts on your website, can have incredible benefits for your business.

The Benefits of Blogging

We live in a world where people want to feel connected to the companies and services they choose to spend their time or money on. It’s the reason you will see any large company like Coca-Cola, or Nike with a ‘news’ page on their website.

Blogging on your website is a quick way to create these connections with your clients, while controlling the topics you share. It gives you the opportunity to resonate with your readers, to give clients a taste of your personality and the things that matter to you as a business owner, and to boost your credibility by communicating your knowledge of your industry.

And the marketing machine that is Google loves new content! Google wants to show searches the most recent and most relevant content specific to their search terms. Every time you create a new post for your website you help your SEO (search engine optimization) by letting the cyber world know that you are still an active thriving business.

What to Blog About

For those just starting out, this is one of the biggest hurdles, what do I write about? I’m an aesthetician, an arborist, a lawyer, what do I have to say? The answer to that is, anything.

The problem with blogging falls under our perceptions of it. Sometimes we view it as mindless drivel, when really it’s an opportunity to share knowledge about our industries. Whatever you’re business, you’ve probably been asked a question about it.

Every time someone asks you a question, this is a potential blog topic.

Maybe they want to know what the benefits of using essential oils in pedicures are, or what type of trees grow best in full sun. In my case, people often ask me what the benefits of blogging are and is it really worth their time.

Regardless of the business you’re in, questions equal opportunities for blogs, and more importantly questions equal connections with those asking.

If you’re still struggling with where to start, think about the question you get asked the most. Right there you have at least ten potential blog topics. Challenge yourself to answer those questions in a minimum of three hundred words and show your clients what you know, who you are, and why you deserve their business.

wordpress plugins

Have you ever just wished your website had that one feature that could make your life that much easier?  Whether you’re a massage therapist looking for payment recording features, or wanting to keep track of contact information for sales on products in case of item recalls.  No matter what you’re looking for, chances are there’s a plugin for that!

WordPress is a world-wide, online, open source website creation tool.  Because it is open source, it means anyone can create themes and plugins for it.  Plugins are these amazing add-ons that plug in to your existing WordPress site.  These plugins can be anything from SEO tools, to specialized image galleries, to product management systems, even sales conversions tools.

If you need it, chances are someone else did too and there should be a plugin for that!

Free vs. Premium Plugins

In the world of plugins, like most everything else, there are free and paid versions.  The free versions typically include the basics of the plugin, minus some nice features like customization and branding.  The premium versions are typically everything you could want right out of the box for a cost.

Plugins range in price depending on their complexity, available support and required features.  Most have the option to buy outright, or pay monthly.

Some of the BEST WordPress Plugins

There are some really amazing plugins out there right now.  The ones I’m currently loving are:

  • Akismet
  • Jetpack
  • WP Smush
  • Wordfence

These are my essential bundles that I install on every website I develop.  Then I leave room for customizing options specific to the client’s wants & needs.

Some premium plugins that I enjoy are:

  • NextGen Pro Image Gallery
  • Wordfence Pro
  • Events Calendar Pro
  • WooCommerce Premium Extensions (PayPal, etc.)
  • Give Premium

The Downside to so Many Plugins?

The only downside to there being so many plugins, is that there are so many to filter through when you’re looking for your dream one.  That’s why I am constantly reviewing plugins in a wide range of functionalities so I can find THE BEST ONES.

What’s that one feature that would make your life easier and more efficient?

I invite you to get in touch by telephone or email, or connect through FacebookTwitterLinkedIn, and Instagram. You can also sign up for our exclusive monthly newsletter for more great tips on social media marketing, SEO and websites!


It might feel like Spring in York Region & the GTA, but Winter is coming and the holidays are right around the corner.  In the marketing world, it’s always better to be a bit early than too late!

It’s time to start thinking about starting your holiday marketing campaigns. Whether it’s changing your website/social media banners, updating your profile pictures, creating content for themed blogs or newsletters, or communicating with clients in your store-front, here are some tips to help get your marketing through this holiday season. Read more