Tag Archive for: social media marketing uxbridge

When I meet with small business owners to discuss their online marketing strategies, there is always a collective sigh when I bring up the importance of Social Media Marketing.  They think of it as a chore.  And while I understand the logic behind it, it is also a misconception.  Small business owners need to stop thinking of social media as a chore and start recognizing it as the powerful marketing tool it is!

Yes, Social Media Marketing does have similar qualities to chores. 

Yes, it does take time, planning and follow-through to have a successful social media marketing campaign. BUT, while the steps are similar, the outcomes and advantages are much different.

Start thinking of Social Media as a Sales/Marketing Employee. Read more

One of the most common questions I am asked is simply, “What should I post on social media for my business?”.  And while it’s a simple question, the answer differs depending on a wide variety of factors.

Facebook post types can vary depending on the industry of business and the nature of that business’ Facebook page.  If you have a lot going on in the near future, it’s easy to post about what’s upcoming.  But what if you don’t have a special upcoming event, or a new product launching?  How do you stay connected to your audience, without becoming a nuisance or ultimately losing followers?

Here are two types of posts that any business can do on a frequent basis to engage with your audience while still offering value: educational and positive.


Educational posts are a win-win for everyone; the poster and followers.  The poster interacts with followers and the followers could possibly learn something new.  There are tons of articles and blogs written daily on topics that may be relevant to your business that you can then share or link to.  Make sure you include a brief description of WHY you found this important enough to share.

For example, you’re in the clothing industry and a new type of fabric has been created.  Or, you’ve found a neat, short video with an innovative way to fold t-shirts.  You can share those items and it should provide some value to your followers.

The main goal of sharing educational posts is to PROVIDE VALUE and in-turn associate that value with your brand.


Positive posts can be anything ranging from a beautiful landscape, to a positive quote.  These are quick and easy to view.  Try to avoid anything political that could cause too much of a backlash.  If you’re going to be radical, make sure you’re ready to deal with damage control (see my previous blog on Damage Control here).

For example, try to balance out positive quotes with a bit of humour and a bit of beautiful photography. Mix it all together and spread it out and you’ll be making positive impacts on your followers.

The main goal of sharing positive posts is to spread positivity and associate said positivity with your brand.

You’re ready to share positivity with your followers

Next time you’re running out of things to post, reach for something with educational or positive content.  You can even keep a few saved on your computer as backup when you’re in a pinch.  While there are many different types of posts, these two types are great for frequent impact and will leave a positive impression on your followers while also building your brand.

If you are looking for help building your online presence and awareness through social media marketing, I invite you to contact me by telephone or email, or through FacebookTwitter, or LinkedIn.  I look forward to helping you help our community!

Until next time,


The busy entrepreneur is usually a jack of all trades.  They are the face, brains and brawn of their business; making sales, balancing the books, and providing exceptional goods and/or services to the community.

Now, with technology playing such a role in personal and business affairs, the entrepreneur is expected to also be a social media marketing specialist.

If you’re an entrepreneur finding yourself in this position, here are 5 tips to help make social media marketing a little easier so you have more time to focus on your business.

5 Social Media Tips for the Busy Entrepreneur

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