Tag Archive for: How to get found online

Blogging, RosewoodVA, Deanna Simone, Aurora, Newmarket, York Region, Website Designer

As an entrepreneur it can feel like you are endlessly changing hats. You are simultaneously your CEO, IT team, marketing agency, financier and cheerleader. When every moment matters and time management is essential, adding one more task to the mix, blogging, might have you skeptical. But blogging, writing small topic-specific posts on your website, can have incredible benefits for your business.

The Benefits of Blogging

We live in a world where people want to feel connected to the companies and services they choose to spend their time or money on. It’s the reason you will see any large company like Coca-Cola, or Nike with a ‘news’ page on their website.

Blogging on your website is a quick way to create these connections with your clients, while controlling the topics you share. It gives you the opportunity to resonate with your readers, to give clients a taste of your personality and the things that matter to you as a business owner, and to boost your credibility by communicating your knowledge of your industry.

And the marketing machine that is Google loves new content! Google wants to show searches the most recent and most relevant content specific to their search terms. Every time you create a new post for your website you help your SEO (search engine optimization) by letting the cyber world know that you are still an active thriving business.

What to Blog About

For those just starting out, this is one of the biggest hurdles, what do I write about? I’m an aesthetician, an arborist, a lawyer, what do I have to say? The answer to that is, anything.

The problem with blogging falls under our perceptions of it. Sometimes we view it as mindless drivel, when really it’s an opportunity to share knowledge about our industries. Whatever you’re business, you’ve probably been asked a question about it.

Every time someone asks you a question, this is a potential blog topic.

Maybe they want to know what the benefits of using essential oils in pedicures are, or what type of trees grow best in full sun. In my case, people often ask me what the benefits of blogging are and is it really worth their time.

Regardless of the business you’re in, questions equal opportunities for blogs, and more importantly questions equal connections with those asking.

If you’re still struggling with where to start, think about the question you get asked the most. Right there you have at least ten potential blog topics. Challenge yourself to answer those questions in a minimum of three hundred words and show your clients what you know, who you are, and why you deserve their business.

This past weekend I developed a WordPress website for a Photographer friend.  She is like a cousin to me, as in long, long, long-time family friends.  And she is a truly talented photographer.  Working with her on developing her new website made me realize how many businesses and organizations take professional photography for granted.  When really they should be using photography as a tool to build their brand’s image.

I built her website using WordPress with the exact same platform and available tools as I can use and have used to build others.   What makes her project so different however is how the quality and professionalism of the images truly makes the website look like a million dollars.

Here are my Simple Tips for Better Business Branding with Images: Read more

One of the most common questions I am asked is simply, “What should I post on social media for my business?”.  And while it’s a simple question, the answer differs depending on a wide variety of factors.

Facebook post types can vary depending on the industry of business and the nature of that business’ Facebook page.  If you have a lot going on in the near future, it’s easy to post about what’s upcoming.  But what if you don’t have a special upcoming event, or a new product launching?  How do you stay connected to your audience, without becoming a nuisance or ultimately losing followers?

Here are two types of posts that any business can do on a frequent basis to engage with your audience while still offering value: educational and positive.


Educational posts are a win-win for everyone; the poster and followers.  The poster interacts with followers and the followers could possibly learn something new.  There are tons of articles and blogs written daily on topics that may be relevant to your business that you can then share or link to.  Make sure you include a brief description of WHY you found this important enough to share.

For example, you’re in the clothing industry and a new type of fabric has been created.  Or, you’ve found a neat, short video with an innovative way to fold t-shirts.  You can share those items and it should provide some value to your followers.

The main goal of sharing educational posts is to PROVIDE VALUE and in-turn associate that value with your brand.


Positive posts can be anything ranging from a beautiful landscape, to a positive quote.  These are quick and easy to view.  Try to avoid anything political that could cause too much of a backlash.  If you’re going to be radical, make sure you’re ready to deal with damage control (see my previous blog on Damage Control here).

For example, try to balance out positive quotes with a bit of humour and a bit of beautiful photography. Mix it all together and spread it out and you’ll be making positive impacts on your followers.

The main goal of sharing positive posts is to spread positivity and associate said positivity with your brand.

You’re ready to share positivity with your followers

Next time you’re running out of things to post, reach for something with educational or positive content.  You can even keep a few saved on your computer as backup when you’re in a pinch.  While there are many different types of posts, these two types are great for frequent impact and will leave a positive impression on your followers while also building your brand.

If you are looking for help building your online presence and awareness through social media marketing, I invite you to contact me by telephone or email, or through FacebookTwitter, or LinkedIn.  I look forward to helping you help our community!

Until next time,
