Tag Archive for: Rosewood Virtual Admin

using stock photos rosewoodva deanna simone website design york region

If you’re using social media for business, chances are you’ve used stock photos. The challenging part is knowing whether the photos you are using could be cause for a lawsuit! If you use stock photos, as a marketing manager or even HR manager who posts to social media, you’re going to want to read this one. I’m talking all about stock photo use and giving you my best kept secret stock photo source!

Copyright Infringement Can Lead to REAL Lawsuits

It’s easy to believe that the World Wide Web is so large that “no one will find out.” However, it is very simple to do a reverse lookup search for an image on the web.

A few years ago, stock photo giant Getty Images was actively searching out illegal uses of their images and mailing legal action warnings to businesses. I personally know of two business owners who received these letters (not my clients at the time!). The proposed fines were approximately $4000! It was a big news story, and really forced people to pay attention to their image sources.

Since that time, you really have to be careful about where you are getting your images.

Depending on budget, there are stock photos out there for every interest and industry. From healthcare to automotive, entrepreneurs to large corporations. I have researched many stock photo sites over the years and have narrowed my list of where I go for images down to these five.

My Top 5 Image Sources:

  1. pexels.com (Free!)
  2. pixabay.com (Free! This is my best kept secret, until now!)
  3. 123rf.com (mid-range)
  4. istockphoto.com (premium photos)
  5. fotolia.com (premium photos)

Watch for Licensing Regulations and Restrictions on Stock Photos

While the aforementioned sites offer images for sale, it’s important to check the license information. Some photos may be “for editorial use only”, meaning you cannot use them for business, simply for story-purposes. These are typically images of private buildings/events or government-related images. There are other regulations as well, such as using an image on items you plan to resell. It’s always best to double-check.

Common Questions:

Q: But I just shared the post, so I’m not liable, the other person is.

A: Technically, you have now shared it to your networks and are also responsible for the unlawful distribution of the content.

Q: Do I need to give author credit?

A: With stock photos that you have purchased, this is not required. I would recommend giving credit when you share an artist or colleague’s work with their permission, as a thank you.

So, before you use an image for your blog or social media marketing campaign, always remember to check the license and restrictions on image use. A little bit of extra legwork in the beginning can save you a major headache in the end. When in doubt, ask the author directly about use and photo credit.

What are some of your favourite stock photo websites? Please share in the comments!

If you’d like to discuss your website needs with us, or for more tips like these you can follow us on FacebookTwitter, and LinkedIn. Don’t forget to sign up for our monthly newsletter as well for more education and inspiration!


Blogging, RosewoodVA, Deanna Simone, Aurora, Newmarket, York Region, Website Designer

As an entrepreneur it can feel like you are endlessly changing hats. You are simultaneously your CEO, IT team, marketing agency, financier and cheerleader. When every moment matters and time management is essential, adding one more task to the mix, blogging, might have you skeptical. But blogging, writing small topic-specific posts on your website, can have incredible benefits for your business.

The Benefits of Blogging

We live in a world where people want to feel connected to the companies and services they choose to spend their time or money on. It’s the reason you will see any large company like Coca-Cola, or Nike with a ‘news’ page on their website.

Blogging on your website is a quick way to create these connections with your clients, while controlling the topics you share. It gives you the opportunity to resonate with your readers, to give clients a taste of your personality and the things that matter to you as a business owner, and to boost your credibility by communicating your knowledge of your industry.

And the marketing machine that is Google loves new content! Google wants to show searches the most recent and most relevant content specific to their search terms. Every time you create a new post for your website you help your SEO (search engine optimization) by letting the cyber world know that you are still an active thriving business.

What to Blog About

For those just starting out, this is one of the biggest hurdles, what do I write about? I’m an aesthetician, an arborist, a lawyer, what do I have to say? The answer to that is, anything.

The problem with blogging falls under our perceptions of it. Sometimes we view it as mindless drivel, when really it’s an opportunity to share knowledge about our industries. Whatever you’re business, you’ve probably been asked a question about it.

Every time someone asks you a question, this is a potential blog topic.

Maybe they want to know what the benefits of using essential oils in pedicures are, or what type of trees grow best in full sun. In my case, people often ask me what the benefits of blogging are and is it really worth their time.

Regardless of the business you’re in, questions equal opportunities for blogs, and more importantly questions equal connections with those asking.

If you’re still struggling with where to start, think about the question you get asked the most. Right there you have at least ten potential blog topics. Challenge yourself to answer those questions in a minimum of three hundred words and show your clients what you know, who you are, and why you deserve their business.

Black Friday Deals for Entrepreneurs - Rosewood VA Web Design Newmarket

Black Friday is a great opportunity for small businesses to boast their best deal as a “foot-in-the-door” opportunity with new customers. Not only will the customer get a great deal, but they’ll see first hand your great customer service and potentially other products/services they’re interested in.

Part of being an entrepreneur is finding balance between your working life and personal life.  I value health and wellness and I believe this focus makes my business better too.

That’s why I’ve decided to put together a list of Black Friday Deals for Entrepreneurs. This includes items to make your work and home life more efficient! By the way, these are not affiliate links, just actual products that I find interesting, and may be purchasing for myself!

Black Friday Deals for Entrepreneurs

Instant Pot from Amazon.ca

While I don’t have one, I may purchase one on Black Friday.  The idea is very attractive and I’ve seen food bloggers prepare chicken breasts in under 10 minutes!  There are different sizes and options, and I’d suggest purchasing an Instant Pot Cookbook as well.

On sale for $67.99 (regularly $89.95)

Click here…

Huion LB4 Rechargeable Light Box from Amazon.ca

For entrepreneurs that deal with drawings, this is a great tool to not only streamline your business but also reduce paper waste.  It’s self-powered and chargers with a USB cable.

On sale for $62.99

Click here…

Kindle Paperwhite, 6″ from Amazon.ca

Great for reading on the go, this Kindle $40.00 off for Black Friday! Again with the concept of saving paper, and it’s also easier on your eyes compared to reading documents on an iPad.

On sale for $99.99 (regularly $139.99)

Click here…

Essential Oil Diffusers

Diffusers are one of those things that people are hesitant about. While people have been using essential oils for thousands of years, it’s a fairly newer health trend.  I started with a cheap diffuser from Amazon, which broke last week, so I replaced it with a better quality one.  What I found is not only did the essential oils have an impact on my mood, but because the diffuser acts as a humidifier, I actually had a better quality sleep.  I am an open-mouth breather and usually get a dry mouth and nose – but not with a diffuser beside my bed!  The one I purchased is from Amazon.ca  by Villain, but there are a ton of deals out there for Black Friday!

Try www.well.ca and see for yourself.

These are just some items I feel would be helpful for the busy entrepreneur.  After all, a healthier personal life makes us healthier in business!

What are some Black Friday deals you’ve had your eyes on?

Don’t forget to join the conversation online on FacebookTwitter, and LinkedIn. And sign up for our monthly news for even more tips.

Until next time,
