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Blogging, RosewoodVA, Deanna Simone, Aurora, Newmarket, York Region, Website Designer

As an entrepreneur it can feel like you are endlessly changing hats. You are simultaneously your CEO, IT team, marketing agency, financier and cheerleader. When every moment matters and time management is essential, adding one more task to the mix, blogging, might have you skeptical. But blogging, writing small topic-specific posts on your website, can have incredible benefits for your business.

The Benefits of Blogging

We live in a world where people want to feel connected to the companies and services they choose to spend their time or money on. It’s the reason you will see any large company like Coca-Cola, or Nike with a ‘news’ page on their website.

Blogging on your website is a quick way to create these connections with your clients, while controlling the topics you share. It gives you the opportunity to resonate with your readers, to give clients a taste of your personality and the things that matter to you as a business owner, and to boost your credibility by communicating your knowledge of your industry.

And the marketing machine that is Google loves new content! Google wants to show searches the most recent and most relevant content specific to their search terms. Every time you create a new post for your website you help your SEO (search engine optimization) by letting the cyber world know that you are still an active thriving business.

What to Blog About

For those just starting out, this is one of the biggest hurdles, what do I write about? I’m an aesthetician, an arborist, a lawyer, what do I have to say? The answer to that is, anything.

The problem with blogging falls under our perceptions of it. Sometimes we view it as mindless drivel, when really it’s an opportunity to share knowledge about our industries. Whatever you’re business, you’ve probably been asked a question about it.

Every time someone asks you a question, this is a potential blog topic.

Maybe they want to know what the benefits of using essential oils in pedicures are, or what type of trees grow best in full sun. In my case, people often ask me what the benefits of blogging are and is it really worth their time.

Regardless of the business you’re in, questions equal opportunities for blogs, and more importantly questions equal connections with those asking.

If you’re still struggling with where to start, think about the question you get asked the most. Right there you have at least ten potential blog topics. Challenge yourself to answer those questions in a minimum of three hundred words and show your clients what you know, who you are, and why you deserve their business.

holiday marketing game plan thanksgiving, christmas, black friday, cyber monday, newmarket, aurora, york region, uxbridge

The official first day of fall has come and gone, even though the scorching weather didn’t get the memo!  As soon as the leaves start falling, and pumpkin spice everything hits the shelves, it’s time to start thinking about holiday marketing.  I’m not talking just about the major holidays in December.  There are a ton of major holidays between now and the end of the year.  I’ve put together a list of the major holidays and some marketing promo ideas.  Keep reading to see my Holiday Marketing Game Plan.

While I am personally in favour of waiting until after Remembrance Day on November 11th to start marketing for December holidays, it is important for businesses to establish their holiday marketing plans well in advance.  If you plan your holiday marketing correctly, not only can it be a profitable time of year for your business, but you’ll also get to relax and enjoy some of the festivities yourself.

Holiday Marketing Game Plan for Small Businesses

There are a few very important days coming up soon.  Here are some ideas to get your holiday marketing creative juices flowing! Keep in mind your demographic and the goal of the event: is the event to drive sales, create marketing material for your website/social media, or customer appreciation?  Here is a list of all upcoming major holidays in Canada for the rest of 2017.

Thanksgiving – Monday, October 9th

While this doesn’t seem like a holiday that will generate huge sales, it provides a chance to show the personal side of your business.  Give thanks to your customers either with special promotions, friends & family discounts, or simply by saying that you appreciate their business.

Halloween – Tuesday, October 31st

This is a holiday to have some fun with.  Depending on your industry, you could hold a variety of contests.  For a child care centre, offer prizes for best costumes.  If you’re in the food industry, you better be all over that Pumpkin Spice Craze (which actually starts September 1st).  You can go big and even host a pumpkin carving contest.

Remembrance Day – Saturday, November 11th

This is also a chance to show the personal and Canadian side of your business.  Try a patriotic promo geared towards veterans, those currently serving in the armed-forces, or even extend it to doctors, nurses, first-responders, etc.

Black Friday – Friday, November 24th

While Black Friday has mostly been an American day, it has traversed across the border. More and more Canadian businesses are getting involved. Popular promos are door busters, spend a certain amount and receive a discount, and cash and carry specials.  Black Friday is a day of sale hunting, and I suggest you start marketing your deals a few weeks in advance, as people will do their homework.

Cyber Monday – Monday, November 27th

Cyber Monday is basically a continuation of Black Friday with perhaps even better deals. It is primarily Internet sales based.  So if you have an online store, you can take advantage of this day.  Why not add an Ultimatum opt-in form where they will receive an additional discount if they subscribe to your mailing list?

What Holidays Should You Promote?

This can be a touchy subject for a lot of people, and especially worrisome for small business owners who don’t want to offend anyone.  My advice is speak from the heart.  If you celebrate Christmas, there’s no reason why you can’t say Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!  Take the opportunity to learn more from someone who celebrates a different holiday than you.  Below are the major holidays around this time of year, and I apologize in advance if I missed anything.

Hanukkah – Tuesday, December 12th – Wednesday, December 20th

You can try a variety of marketing tactics for Hanukkah.  Why not do a Hanukkah Facebook Giveaway?  The goal is to gain more followers and grow your audience.  Or try a buy-one-get-one (BOGO) sale.  Feeling creative? Plan out a different promo for each day of Hanukkah.  Make sure you plan ahead for this one!

Christmas – Monday, December 25th

While receiving gifts can be fun, giving is even more fulfilling.  Make a Christmas promotion that stands out from your competitors and gets your target audience in the holiday spirit.  It doesn’t only have to be discounts and special promos, hold contests on Social Media to get your audience engaged.  Again, start marketing this a several weeks in advance, as the closer it gets to Christmas the more we want to relax and most businesses are closed!

Boxing Day – Tuesday, December 26th

Similar to Black Friday, people expect sales and promos on Boxing Day. Try a Buy-One-Get-One (BOGO) sale. It’s a win-win for people who want to give and receive! It is strongest in the retail sector, as most small businesses are closed on Christmas and Boxing Day.


Kwanzaa – Tuesday, December 26th – Monday, January 1st

Similar to other holidays around this time of year, Kwanzaa is a celebration of family, culture and community.  Give thanks and spread the message of peace, love and understanding.

New Years – Sunday, December 31st – Monday, January 1st

New Year’s marks the end of the indulgent holiday season and a time for new year’s resolutions.  The health and wellness industries come to mind as very prosperous after January 1st.  Start planning and marketing your New Year’s promos a few weeks in advance to get the word out. These promos can run throughout the month of January.

I hope this blog was helpful in outlining some of the upcoming holidays and some holiday marketing tips.  Even if you do not have a specific promo to run, acknowledging these special days is a way to connect with your followers and audience.  The holidays are a time for spreading messages of joy, peace and love.

If you need help planning your Holiday Marketing campaigns, now is the time!  Call us and let’s rock this holiday season so you can enjoy it with your loved ones too.

We’re here to help!  You can contact us directly, or comment on this blog post.  Sign up for our newsletter for even more tips.  You can find us everywhere online on FacebookTwitter, and LinkedIn.

Until next time,


personal branded websites

Personal branded websites can be great for individuals in certain industries!  It is yourself as a website; showcasing you, your accomplishments and whatever you intend it to do!  Why stress to create a brand name when you are the brand itself?

Who should have a Personal Branded Website?

Personal branded websites can be used by individuals in a wide range of industries.

Some of the most fitting would be:

  • Artists
  • Actors
  • Authors
  • Doctors (Dentists, etc.)
  • Designers
  • Bloggers
  • Photographers
  • Health Care Practitioners
  • Nutritionists
  • Individuals with multiple avenues of business
  • Job Seekers (see below)

Personal branded websites are great spaces to display your portfolio, work, information and interests.

And, if you are have a multifaceted business, it’s also a great landing page for visitors to see all your work collectively, before branching off and exploring each section in depth. Read more

Tag Archive for: online marketing