Tag Archive for: online marketing

stay productive during the holidays

With the holidays approaching, I thought I would take the time to share how I stay productive during the busy holiday season.  Christmas is coming up on Sunday.  I, like most entrepreneurs, will be working through the holidays.

It’s easy to get caught up in the stress and busyness of the holidays, but here are my tips to stay productive during the holidays.

1. Stay Organized

If you have not spent time already GETTING organized, I highly recommend you do!  This will be your saving grace during your most busy times.

Phone Calendar: I love my Samsung Galaxy S6.  And I love that my email and email calendar sync with this phone.  I can add appointments via my phone, or from Outlook on my desktop.  The BEST part about this is that my phone REMINDS ME of my appointments!



Agenda: In addition to my phone calendar, I also keep an agenda.  I am a very visual person, so writing my appointments triggers my memory.  I more so remember that I wrote something down, which reminds me to check.  Right now, I’m using this Kate Spade planner.  It’s not dated, which I personally love!  It comes with a section of sticky-notes and a task section. As well as flag sticky-notes!

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Boosting Facebook ads may seem daunting at first.  But, like everything, there are guidelines to follow on what you should promote, when and how.  Boosting Facebook ads can be a very useful and inexpensive tool for social media marketing.

Boosting Facebook Ads

Advertising on Facebook is the easiest way to start advertising on social media.  You must have administrator privilegdes for the specific page.  As a page admin you can view insights of your posts to see how they’re doing organically.  You can even view the post’s reach, interactions and impressions.

When Should You Boost a Facebook Ad?

You can technically boost ANY Facebook post originally published by your page.  However, to get the best return on your investment, I recommend you boost when the post:

  • Is visually appealing
  • Accurately represents your business
  • Is already performing well organically

How Much Should You Spend on Boosting Facebook Ads?

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If you’re asking this question, than I applaud you for trying to understand the difference between the two online marketing tools.  Each online strategy serves a different purpose in your online marketing campaign.

Pros and Cons of a Website


  • A website contains all the facts of your business. The main menu provides easy and quick access.
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Each page of a website has keywords which, when formatted properly, increase your SEO and your ranking on major search engines like Google and Bing, making it easier for people to find you online.


  • A website is cold. As much as it may look nice, it doesn’t really have a personality; just the cold hard facts.
  • While it’s good to keep it updated, you simply can’t change the basic facts that often.

Pros and Cons of Social Media


  • Let your personality shine! A proper social media presence builds a rapport with fans and followers, and lets shows the warmth of the business.
  • You can post as much as your heart desires! You can send out a range of posts from Community involvement, to inspirational/humorous quotes, and pictures of the daily goings-on at your business.


  • Events and Information gets lost in the chronologically ordered timeline. Potential customers won’t spend hours, even minutes, scrolling through to try to find out if you’re open on the Holiday Monday.  A website has that information more readily accessible.
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO) doesn’t really apply to social media streams. Having these accounts active minimally impacts your SEO. The only real way to increase SEO organically is through a properly formatted website and blogging.

What is better? 

Having both an active social media presence and an up-to-date website representing your business is the best online marketing strategy.  The two work hand in hand to help you get found online, interact with fans and followers and provide the information necessary for those potential customers to reach you.

As a social media marketing specialist, I highly recommend you keep both your website and social media as updated as possible.  There are many ways to streamline content from one to the other.  I would love to discuss the options that will have the best return on investment for your business.

If you are looking for help building your online presence and awareness through social media marketing, I invite you to contact me by telephone or email, or through FacebookTwitter, or LinkedIn.  I look forward to helping you help our community!

Until next time,
