Micro-Influencer Sitting on Stool in Front of Camera.

By now, everyone should be familiar with how important social media is for growing their business. For example, 83% of Instagram users now discover new products there. Part of this surge in social media’s role has increased the prominence of influencer marketing. Influencer marketing is where a brand partners with someone with a considerable social media presence. In exchange for free goods or monetary compensation, that influencer recommends and promotes the brand’s products or services. At least 61% of users say they trust an influencer’s recommendations, and their endorsement transfers that trust onto your brand. Through influencer marketing, not only do you reach more people, but they also have a positive perception of your brand and business.

For small businesses, influencer marketing is an effective tool for growth. However, it’s not just huge influencers that will give your brand reach. In fact, micro-influencers and their smaller followings can have a much bigger benefit to your business.

Why not mega-influencers?

Today, the most prominent influencers have hundreds of thousands and some even millions of followers. Some of these are celebrities, while others have entirely made their careers as prominent influencers on a variety of social media. These macro- and star- or mega-influencers have incredible reach for brand awareness, but they also can have limited availability or exclusivity agreement. Plus, that large following comes with a matching price tag. A mega-influencer typically charges a minimum of $1000 for a single piece of content. Some can even charge up to a staggering $50,000.

These larger influencers also have reduced engagement. On Instagram, macro-influencers have an average engagement rate of only 1.62%, mega-influencers 1.21%. The scale of such massive audiences prevents these influencers from being able to feasibly engage with their audience personally. Similarly, followers feel less connected to these mega-influencers because they are one among a much larger group. As a result, most followers are silent, never engaging with these larger influencers and thereby the brands they promote. 

What is a micro-influencer?

A micro-influencer is typically defined as someone with 10,000 to 100,000 followers. Since we’ve covered most of the terminology already, that last category is a nano-influencer with 10,000 or less. Micro-influencers have smaller followings than their macro and mega counterparts, but they still have considerable reach. 

The Benefits of Micro-Influencers

The dynamics of micro-influencers and their smaller followings can be tremendously beneficial for smaller businesses. Smaller followings tend to be more dedicated to that influencer, hence higher engagement rates. Micro-influencers have an average of 3.86% on Instagram, more than triple their larger counterparts. Their engagement rates are even higher on TikTok. Micro-influencers have an average engagement rate of 18%, while mega-influencers are under 5%. Those higher engagement rates mean more attention for your business whenever a micro-influencer promotes your products or services. 

Along with more engagement, users trust smaller influencers more than larger ones. They have a stronger perceived personal connection as a more prominent member of that influencer’s audience and community. Micro-influencers are more like towns or boroughs, where people are attached to the community. That same association does not typically exist for influencers whose follower numbers rival cities. Therefore, a micro-influencer’ recommendations feel less like a celebrity sponsorship and more like from a friend. Their endorsements appear more sincere to audiences than those from macro- and mega-influencers, and that transfers authenticity onto your brand by association. 

Micro-influencers’ audiences also tend to be more niche and specialized. Most businesses don’t cater their products or services to everyone. They have specific demographics and audiences, and so do micro-influencers. Choosing the right micro-influencers allows you to focus and target your brand’s niche audience turning into a much higher conversion rate. 

That increased engagement and resonating recommendation all come with less financial cost to your business. Micro-level influencers cost much less for content than bigger influencers. They may even accept free products or services instead of monetary compensation. That itself will only further contribute to recommendations that appear trustworthy to their audiences. An influencer is recommending your product or service because they use it. This all creates opportunities to create personal ties between the influencer, your business, and their audience who become yours. 

In Summary

Though their follower numbers may be small, they are fierce. Micro-influencers have smaller audiences, but they can much bigger benefits for your business. They are overall more effective at fostering trust and reaching that audience than an influencer with a following ten times bigger. Plus, that better engagement and authenticity all comes with less investment from your business.

A lot of this can also apply to the smaller, nano-influencers. They are typically even cheaper with slightly more engagement, but also significantly less followers. Overall, if you are looking to invest heavily into influencer marketing, the most effective influencer marketing strategy is to engage with multiple levels of influencers. A macro-level influencer allows you to cast a wide net, while nano- and micro-level influencers create stronger associations to your brand.

If you’re interested in getting started with influencer marketing or have more questions, Rosewood’s social media marketing team will be happy to find your next micro-influencer.

Three women smiling and looking at a phone together.
Person using a computer with a holographic screen with an audio wave in the top left corner.

Thinking about or didn’t know you can use AI (artificial intelligence) and machine learning to design your website? Both can design powerful, customer-facing tools that make your website a better experience, but they come with limitations. We cover the advantages and disadvantages of AI plugins and machine learning for your business’ website.

The Versatility of AI and Web Design

Today, we’re only encountering AI more and more. You have probably interacted with a chatbot, had predicative text perfectly finish your sentence, or seen your phone’s map learn your regular commute. If you read the news or use social media, you have seen only increasing references to AI, whether it is generating art or concerns that AI has achieved Skynet levels of sentience.

For websites, numerous AI plugins and add-ons increase functionality, with some already built into many website hosting services. Some of these can immediately recognize and delete spam comments, automatically find connections and link blog articles, improve SEO, or check grammar and readability. 

Useful AI and Machine Learning Plugins/Add-ons

Some AI and machine learning plugins can also help you engage with your customers and website visitors:

  • Chatbots – AI-driven bots that your customers can chat with to get answers to their questions
  • Virtual Assistants – like a chatbot, customers can interact with an AI assistant to help them make purchase decisions, redirect them to relevant pages, or connect them to customer service
  • Content Curation – these AI learn from the content visitors to your site read, watch, and engage with to recommend other content that matches their interests
  • Product Recommendation – these plugins learn from a customer’s purchases, wishlist, page visits, and abandoned carts to provide recommendations for products while shopping on the website and in their emails
  • Website Translators – these AI provide visitors to your site the ability to automatically translate the entire page or any text content into any supported language

All of these can give your users a better and more functional user experience.

Advantages of AI and Web Design

AI and machine learning website plugins increase your site’s functionality. They also can provide your visitors or customers with a more personalized experience. Content curation and product recommendations encourage visitors and customers to stay on your site longer. They find pages that interest them more easily and become more familiar with your content, services, or products. Immediate answers from chatbots or virtual assistants provide users with a fluid and convenient experience.

That personalized experience comes without an extra cost of human hours. Through these AI, users receive support, help, and recommendations without taking an employee’s time. Plugins can cost money to add to your website, but they are often cheaper than dedicating your employees to answering simple questions or providing recommendations. It is also impossible for your employees to look at the history of every single customer or visitor to provide recommendations. It would take hours for a human, when an AI can do it instantly. Instead, these AI allow you to dedicate your team to more urgent or complicated customer service matters.

By providing machine translations, you can make your website more accessible, widen your reach, and increase your audience and community. While English is one of the most widely used languages in the world, most prefer and have greater proficiency reading in their native language. Providing machine translation allows them to use your website more easily and create a stronger personal connection to your brand. 

Disadvantages of AI and Web Design

These AI plugins help reduce human workload while still providing your customers with a more personalized experience. However, while it is making fast paces in tech, AI does not replace a human’s touch, at least for now. Chatbots and email automations are limited to the information they can provide, and usually cannot process more complex tasks like returns or customer requests that involve account sensitive information or making decisions about policies. Some customers and users may become frustrated when they cannot communicate their issue with a human easily. Make sure it is easy for users to switch from the bot and get in touch with a person.

Similarly, recommendation engines and content curators rely on the amount of information they access about products/content and the users. Another limitation is how well their programming can interpret that information to make suggestions. Make sure enough metadata or tags are provided for products or content that the AI can identify recommendations. They will also take time to learn a customer’s or user’s interests and might also overestimate an accidental page visit. This can have users’ receiving recommendations for products or content that they are not interested in. The best AI curators will provide easy, direct recommendations while they learn a customer’s interests to provide more personalized ones.

Automatic translation can potentially frustrate users. They have become faster and more precise in recent years, but still make mistakes. They primarily translate text, not images, and often stumble on idiom or misunderstand a word’s use in a specific context. Machine translation can be useful to quickly generate a mostly understandable translation and put the literal meaning into another language, but proper translation takes the human skill of conceptualizing. Furthermore, AI cannot localize, adapting content from one culture’s language to another to give a translation the proper sense. Advise users your website’s translations are machine generated to temper their expectations. If enough visitors are using that language, then you may want to consider hiring a translator.

Overall, AI can help provide a personalized experience if it works well; however, when it fails, it risks exposing the man, or machine, behind the curtain. This creates a disconnect from the human element at your company, can reduce authenticity, and make your customers feel less connected to your brand.

Getting Started

AI and machine learning can quickly and easily improve your website. Interested or have more questions? Rosewood’s web design team can help you determine if and which will best suit your business’ needs.

Man has pleasant experience on his tablet and phone with an AI and web design
Apple Privacy Policy Affects Small Business'

Pumpkin Spice season approaches, and that means the next iOS is right around the corner. Just like the last couple updates, Apple has announced a repertoire of new privacy features for iOS 16 to help protect users’ privacy. Android 13 released just yesterday with some new privacy features as well but for now is still behind Apple. Data protection is important for users, but how does it affect the metrics you collect for effective of your marketing?

Data Collection and Privacy

The data you receive from consumers, users, and your audience is incredibly informative. Information like what products someone views or what pages someone visits, allows you to tailor your promotions or content to their interests. It lets you communicate effectively and efficiently. It shows you what marketing is working and what is not. All of that can help your company grow. That data and the metrics they create are incredibly important for your business, but for users, that data is also precious. It is something they trust you with, and they do not want that trust and their privacy breached. 

Data privacy has become an increasing concern on the internet. In a KPMG survey from last year, 86% of users were concerned about their data’s privacy. That worry is valid. The past month saw a dozen security violations with large corporations. A mother and daughter were recently shocked and angered when Facebook gave Nebraska police their private message logs. User information is not just a shopping cart or wishlist. It also includes more sensitive, personal information like messages, emails, addresses, and credit cards that users are regularly providing businesses. In turn, many nations and the European Union have passed legislation that restricts when, how, and what kind of data companies can collect. The FTC in the US announced just five days ago that it would be “cracking down on commercial surveillance and lax data security practices.” Software developers and device manufacturers like Apple have also been increasing the default privacy protections they provide. This is great for users’ security but affects the kind of information you can collect and how. 

Apple Privacy – Mail Privacy Protection

Last year, Apple released Mail Privacy Protection (MPP) as part of iOS 15. MPP hides users’ IP addresses so senders cannot see their location, related internet activity, or even whether they opened the email. That’s all potentially valuable information for a business or marketing team. Android lacks a similar feature, but in Canada, over 57% of people are using iPhones. In email tracking services, MPP can also falsely inflate your open rates. Any inbox with MPP active will be recognized in the tracker. However, MPP can open an email without the user ever actually opening and seeing the email for themselves. Unfortunately, a tracker cannot tell the difference whether this was an MPP “open” or your recipient’s. 

Those false positives lead to bloated open rates and a false, larger discrepancy in open-to-click rates. Most email services will allow you to ignore MPP opens, and it is best to do so. They are simply not a reliable or informative data set. Remember, MPP only affects open rates. Your click rates will still be accurate. Focusing on those clicks will allow you to keep track of your engaged audience and ensure your catering to their interests and preferences.

MPP will still deny other information that may valuable, such as location and other internet activity. The goal then, is conversion rates: getting recipients to visit your site, where they can provide you with more information. 

The End of Third-Party Data

The information users provide to your site when they access and use it is first-party data or cookies. This is any information you gather from your customers directly. For the past while, internet advertising has relied primarily on third-party cookies. Third-party data works through websites sharing information between one another. This is how Google Ads and Meta Business (Facebook and Instagram advertising) work. They use a user’s wider internet activity to target them with appropriate ads according to their browsing history. This is why if you put something in your cart on one site, you might suddenly start seeing ads for that very product elsewhere or even everywhere.

More recently, marketing has started moving away from third-party cookies. Some internet browsers have started blocking these trackers by default, like Mozilla Firefox and Safari (remember that 57% market share of Canadian phones?) Apple and Android have similarly been allowing users to block tracking in apps. Notably Google Chrome, which 65% of people worldwide use, still allows third-party trackers. Google has said they will also be blocking them for the past two years, but last month again delayed those plans to 2024. Third-party ads are still an important part of Google Ads, which makes up 80% of the company’s revenue. Similarly, Facebook advertising is a staggering 98% of Meta’s revenue. Those same ads have also been especially important for small businesses. The move away from third-party ad targeting is and will more severely affect smaller businesses that have relied on them to grow and reach potential customers and clients. They will need to invest into new marketing efforts.

Leaving Third-Party Data Behind

So, while third-party cookies will still work for targeting Chrome users, companies should also focus their marketing on first-party data. Your emails and websites can still gather valuable information about your audience and customers as the world moves away from third-party data. As a result, marketing should focus on converting customers. Creative marketing on social media is a productive method for attracting and expanding an audience and convincing potential customers to visit your website. Effective email automations will have customers regularly returning. Fun, survey quizzes with a bonus discount code are a great incentive for customers to provide you with more detailed information.

Rosewood Can Help 

Currently third-party tracking can still prove beneficial for small businesses, but they will see increasing decline in ROI in this sector as Apple and other companies increase dedication to privacy. Rosewood recommends every business start investing into first-party data collection with effective social media, tailored email automations, and creative content that drives conversion rates. 

Rosewood’s web design and marketing services will make sure you are collecting and effectively using that precious data from (potential) customers. We will soon be officially offering email marketing services as well. We are familiar with a suite of both third- and first-party tools and services so you can learn more about your customers and help your business grow in the face of increasing internet privacy. With an elegant website and effective marketing, users will want to trust you with their information.

New Privacy Policy Changes Information Gathered From Customers.