Tag Archive for: social media management


On Thursday, November 14th, Rosewood Founder & CEO, Deanna Simone spoke at the annual Entrepreneurs in Residence by the Aurora Public Library. The event invites 4 local entrepreneurs/small business owners to share their personal stories of entrepreneurship and then form a panel to answer attendees’ questions and share tips for growing your team.

Question #1: What Would You Tell Your Past Self About Your Business?

The questions were great! Deanna’s personal favourite was, “If you could go back in time and tell your entrepreneurial self something about your business, what would it be?” What a great question!

Deanna’s answer was, “I would go back and tell myself that you don’t have to do this alone. Asking for help and support is NOT a weakness. That being said, I would have encouraged myself to hire staff/subcontractors sooner. I waited 3 years into my business to hire someone, and I wish I had done it sooner!”.

She went on to say that “growing your business can be a daunting concept. Not only are you giving up control of your “baby”, but you have to spend time to find the right people. Practice your interviewing skills and know what values you are looking for in potential teammates”.

Question #2: How Did You Know It Was Time to Hire Someone?

One question was directed specifically at Deanna, “How did you know it was time to hire someone?”. My response was firstly, there were many signs and I wish I had done it sooner! I was overworked, overwhelmed and making way too many sacrifices. I remember pulling out my laptop after Thanksgiving dinner and working while eating pumpkin pie, or working until 1am Christmas morning so that I could have a few hours off the next day for Christmas dinner. There was a time I was wanting to quit because it was too much.

And then I read the book, Clockwork – How to Make Your Business Run Itself by Mike Michalowitz. It changed my life. It helped me realize that my time was better spent on certain areas. When I broke down the different tasks and responsibilities, it became clear where my time was best spent and what items could be delegated to someone else.  It also taught me about delegation, which is such a skill (but I’ll keep this for another time).

Since then, I’ve never looked back and we continue on with managed growth!

Tips for Growing Your Team

Since then Rosewood now has a solid team of three internal members, and a looser structure built up of several subcontractors who specialize in their individual areas. While there have certainly been setbacks, we wouldn’t trade it for anything. The team members we have now are the “A” team, and set the bar for attracting future talent with shared values.

Setting Your Organizational Values

My favourite saying is, “You can’t teach personality”. It’s so true! So instead of focusing on a set skill-set, I look for candidates who have the following traits:

  • Eagerness to improve the skills they already possess
  • Willingness to learn
  • Exceptional communication skills (as this is the Queen Bee Role of Rosewood as an organization)
  • Aptitude for technology (while not a personality trait, they should have a solid foundation in technical aptitude in order to build their skills)

As you can see from the list above, only one item has to do with technical skills. While this may sound bizarre coming from a technical business, if they have a solid technical foundation and an aptitude for learning – I can teach them anything.  This is partially because one of my strengths (and favourite things to do) is teach!

The Rosewood team now is exceptional. They bring in such an array of skills and foster a supportive environment. Although we’re subcontractor-based, we work as a team and foster a company culture together.

If you weren’t able to make it to the event, we’ve got you covered! Click here to watch Deanna’s presentation.

local business networking rosewood va deanna simone

As a small business owner – you know that networking is one of the most important skills that you should learn in order to make your business a success story. Building a successful business takes time and dedication, so it is a great idea to have a network of business professionals to keep you inspired and motivated.

By surrounding yourself with people who share a similar passion and determination, you are more likely to move forward and achieve the results you want. Business networking is a valuable way to expand your knowledge, learn from the success of others, acquire new clients, increase your brand’s awareness, and make friends! 

Rosewood strongly believes in the power of teamwork to successfully reach goals – both personally and professionally. But what’s even more valued, is forming a strong and active LOCAL business network that can help your business grow and flourish in the specific city or region that you serve.

And there are a ton of local business, philanthropic, and interest-based groups to connect with! From “Mom’s in Business” to Green Connections – which supports environmentally and socially conscious business practices.

Rosewood LOVES to Network!

Rosewood is a proud member of:

We also recommend:

Here at Rosewood, we are huge fans of Organic Networking, and just getting out there and meeting people! Selling is typically an afterthought after forming these amazing business relationships.

And one last thing – networking groups take a bit of a hiatus in the summer, but September is just around the corner! Now is the time to check out some of these groups. You can usually attend for free as a guest your first time.

Our Top 5 Benefits to Local Business Networking (not in any particular order!)

  1. Business Opportunities
  2. Valuable Advice
  3. New Clientele
  4. Enhance your Personal Brand
  5. Friendship!

These are just a few of the incredible reasons why local business networking is so important for both your personal and professional growth. Connecting with people who have business experience and share similar interests will undoubtedly help your own brand flourish!

Let’s Connect

Do you have any networking questions or comments to share? Feel free to get in touch with us directly for guidance – we are always happy to help. And of course, we would love to connect with you on InstagramLinkedIn, and Facebook!

Happy Networking!


Content Coordinator

Rosewood Inc.

Photo courtesy of Rhonda McNeil of Catch the Brand Photography

importance of google analytics roseewood va deanna simone

If you are a business owner or entrepreneur – chances are you heavily rely on the strength of your online presence and the traffic on your website to acquire clients and build your brand. Which is why it is with your best interest in mind that Rosewood recommends taking full advantage of Google Analytics! Google’s free web analytics service not only allows you to analyze in-depth detail about the visitors on your site, but it also provides valuable insights that can help you optimize the online strategy of your business.

Regardless of whether you run an e-commerce website or an informative blog, every business should understand and study the behaviour of their visitors to deliver better results. Keep reading for our reasons on why you should be regularly using Google Analytics to measure the success of your website – and by extension, your business as a whole.

Conversion Tracking

There is a feature which illustrates how many website conversions you have obtained by visitors on your site. It’s always great to know how many people have visited your site, and where they came from, but how do you know if those users are actually converting?

Google Analytics allows you to set up goals to track when a user completes a certain action on your site. Regardless of how many users each channel is driving to your site, it is essential to confirm that this traffic is actually converting.

Customer Engagement

Engagement metrics such as the bounce rate and average session duration can do wonders to show how well your website is performing. Google Analytics has a number of features that allow you to review how well users are interacting with your website and content. These metrics monitor different aspects of the customer journey, showing how the customer has interacted.

You can also view these statistics against individual pages, giving you a better idea as to what pages are doing well, and which may need optimizing to improve their user experience. Perhaps a page is taking too long to load, or there is too much text and not enough images – leaving the visitor impatient and uninterested. There may be hidden clues to these types of issues in the customer engagement metrics of your site.

Our Top Metrics to Keep an Eye on

  1. # of visitors on website
  2. Average visit length
  3. # of number of pages viewed
  4. Average time on page
  5. Most popular pages on your website
  6. Visitor demographics such as – gender, age, city location, etc.

Converting Data into Business Goals 

Google Analytics data on its own can tell you a lot about website performance. And this information can be very crucial to devising and improving your business plan moving forward. However, you must have a goal in mind for the data to be of use.

True performance tracking and improvement comes from comparisons on current results against previously set goals. Do you want people to get in touch? Download your how-to guide? Use specific goals to target what areas of your website you want to work on.

How Rosewood Can Help

Now that you’re sold on the many business benefits of Google Analytics – feel free to get in touch with us to see how your metrics can skyrocket with our support and training services. If you are new to the analytics world, fear not! We can happily show you the ins and outs of how to use and track the analytics metrics of your website.

And to briefly summarize, Google Analytics can monitor the effectiveness of your online marketing strategies, content, user experience, and functionality on your website. Once you identify any issues your site may have, Rosewood can help you create a solution. Google Analytics provides you with the information needed to improve your website, and we strategize to make it happen!

Questions or Comments? Get in Touch!

Until Next Time,


Content Coordinator

Rosewood Inc.