The busy entrepreneur is usually a jack of all trades.  They are the face, brains and brawn of their business; making sales, balancing the books, and providing exceptional goods and/or services to the community.

Now, with technology playing such a role in personal and business affairs, the entrepreneur is expected to also be a social media marketing specialist.

If you’re an entrepreneur finding yourself in this position, here are 5 tips to help make social media marketing a little easier so you have more time to focus on your business.

5 Social Media Tips for the Busy Entrepreneur

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6 Tips for Better Facebook Posts for Business Newmarket Social Media Marketing Aurora Newmarket Richmond Hill Markham Rosewood VA

A Business Facebook Page is a tool that can be very beneficial for small businesses and their social media marketing campaigns.  It allows a business to connect with its fans and followers in a real way that you don’t get with just a website alone.  If you do not have a Facebook Business Page, I highly recommend you start creating one, or contact me for more information on this.  Facebook can help you drive customers to your website, and work on building and maintaining a relationship with those customers.  Once you have the page, what do you post?

Here are 6 tips for publishing better posts on your Business Facebook Page:

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Proper etiquette for growing facebook followers and friends for business - social media marketing newmarket

Facebook is one of those social media tools that I find is black and white for personal pages but becomes a little grey and blurry when it comes to business pages and social networking behaviour.  I recently started networking for my small business and have since been flooded with Facebook Friend Requests, the majority of which from individuals that I don’t personally know.  This week I’m going to focus on how to build a great online network of Friends on Facebook and how to be a good Facebook friend in return. Read more