Happy Monday friends! Today’s topic is all about the ins and outs of video marketing on Instagram and how it can take your brand’s online presence to new heights! As you may or may not know – Rosewood loves Instagram, and we also just launched our new videography services for clients (check out our recent blog – LIGHTS, CAMERA, ACTION – WHY YOU NEED VIDEO MARKETING to learn more).

Let’s face it – Instagram has completely taken the social media world by storm and has forever changed the way businesses and clients interact with each other. Instagram is unique in that it thrives on an entirely distinctive visual approach to content dissemination. And in 2019, it is undoubtedly one of the most important platforms to include in your social marketing strategy.

And don’t worry if you’re an Instagram newbie, the application is known for being incredibly user-friendly, and with Rosewood to guide you through the learning process, you’ll be sharing top-quality videos faster than you think! Keep reading for our top 4 Instagram video marketing tips to help your business thrive.

#1. Understanding Instagram Culture

Instagram is the social media platform where brands show their audience who they are; it’s about shaping perceptions about a brand’s personality. And you only have 60 seconds to explain your product or message and grab the attention of your audience. Writing super long captions can backfire because the inherent appeal of the platform is its focus on visual aesthetics.

For example – Starbucks, a top brand on Instagram, clearly understands insta-culture. In curating their brand story, they’re definitely playing the role of your fun, artsy BFF. Virtually every video and photo are clearly branded in some way – whether it’s a shot of a paper cup elaborately embellished by a fan, or just a distinctive green straw poking through a mountain of whipped cream.

The main idea behind Instagram is sharing videos and images to build your own credibility on the platform. You can ask popular brands and/or influencers to give you shout-outs. Additionally, you can get your clients to create fun testimonial videos as a part of a give-away or contest.

#2. Create Compelling Videos That are Worth Watching

Instagram gives you the unique chance to tell great stories through captivating visual content. So, don’t be afraid to get super creative by showcasing your brand or services in a new light. You don’t need to completely rebrand yourself, but instead, try to show your brand’s versatility. And the best part is that since Instagram videos are bite-sized, people are much more likely to watch them.

Create simple how-to videos. Do a fun contest or give-away to thank your audience for their support. Offer behind-the-scenes glimpses. Give followers sneak peeks of upcoming products or services. Be relevant to their interests and stay up-to-date on current events. Show off your personal style.

#3. Take Advantage of Stories and IGTV Features

According to Instagram, around 70% of its users watch video content in the form of stories on a daily basis. And out of this number, there seems to be a marked preference (roughly 50%) towards those videos that make them laugh. Even more important than that is about one in four Gen Z and Millennials actively seek stories of products, services, and brands they are considering buying.

So, as you begin to chart out your upcoming plans for video marketing content on Instagram, keep an eye on these insights and try to make the most use out of them. These statistics represent clear trends on user preferences for the types of content users look for on the app, so they provide an ideal starting point to start developing video content that will help you reach the people you want.

And remember – there is always the new and flourishing IGTV option which is similar to YouTube in that you can post full length videos without time constraints. For example, you could provide a preview for your new how-to video on your feed and stories which will then direct followers to watch the full video on your IGTV channel if they wish – without being overly pushy. Brilliant!

#4. Don’t Dismiss the Importance of Instagram Analytics

Identifying where you stand among your competitors can have serious payoffs for optimizing your social media strategy.

Some beneficial analytics metrics to consider:

  • tracking post performance
  • monitoring Instagram trends
  • monitoring impressions and views
  • tracking comments and hashtag usage
  • measuring audience engagement
  • identifying influencers in your industry

Analytics can tell you what’s working and what needs to change. And over time, you can build a large scope of data to track and measure performance. It is incredibly valuable to know when and how your audience is engaging with your Instagram content, and how you can improve your performance moving forward.

Final Thoughts

There you have it folks! Rosewood’s top 4 tips for video marketing success on Instagram! And remember – our goal is to help you create and share visual content (videos and images) that help your brand build credibility and familiarity within your target market. These 4 strategies will ensure that you are not only interacting with your audience in a meaningful way, but that you are also taking full advantage of Instagram’s lucrative video marketing tools. And remember – as the popularity and importance of Instagram videos continue to grow and develop, the opportunities for businesses to reach their desired audiences will increase as well.

Of course, we are always happy to help! Rosewood offers both videography services and social media training. If you have any questions on how to get started, feel free to contact us directly.

Happy filming!

“Don’t deliver a product, deliver an experience” 

Questions? Get in Touch!

Until Next Time,


Content Coordinator

Rosewood Inc.

video marketing rosewood va deanna simone

In 1979, Buggles sung “Video killed the radio star” – and no truer words have been made into a pop song. Since video’s conception, we’ve never looked back.

Fast forward to 2019 and video content is king. Social media platforms have prioritized the use of video, audiences demand it, and distributing it has never been easier. Video isn’t new, we’ve all got those dusty VCR tapes sitting in our basement, but there has never been a more powerful and effective marketing tool.

Everyone Loves Videos

Studies have shown that in 2019, 87% of people would like to see more video from brands, with an expected 82% of all internet traffic to be video by 2021. Pretty incredible stats, right?

Video has been known to have an online conversion rate of nearly 80%, influencing buying behaviour and website traffic. Not to mention, search engines LOVE video. Nothing entices more numerous and longer page views quite like a video. Not only that, but YouTube is the second largest search engine behind Google. If you put your video on YouTube as well as your website, your visibility and opportunity to show up in search is greatly increased.

This is the age of viral videos. Did you know 92% of mobile video consumers share videos with others? This is your chance to have some fun and really show what your company is all about.

Ok, have I done enough persuading yet?

Rosewood’s NEW Video and Photography Services!

Enter from stage right: Us!

Here at Rosewood we are excited to announce our new video and photography offerings.

Creating videos on your own can be intimidating. But never fear, we are here to make it easy, and you don’t need expensive equipment or large budgets to get started.

We can handle everything from shooting, editing, talent acquisition, scripting, directing and so much more. Packages can be tailored according to your needs, your goals, and what your audience will respond to best. We do this quickly, efficiently, and with a focus on distributing your content to reach its maximum potential.

I know what you might be thinking, are we ready for this next step? Am I ready to face the world in full 1080 HD quality? The answer is, yes.

Our Tips for Success

We always suggest a few handy tips and tricks that ensure you and your business are ready for this next step.

  1. Shoot where you are comfortable – you don’t need to be hanging off the edge of the CN tower to make a statement. If your office is your safe spot, shoot there.
  2. Have a company representative who is genuinely passionate – nothing comes across camera more than passion and relatability. Put those who WANT to be on camera, in front of the camera. You will find they come across more credible to the audience.
  3. Practice makes perfect – it might sound cliché, but literally practice in front of the mirror after brushing your teeth. It’s a great way to notice facial expressions and gestures.
  4. Know your message – we all like to ramble, hey, some of us get so passionate we just get carried away – but it’s not effective. Knowing your message and what you want to deliver is key.
  5. Wear what makes you feel great – high heels may look great, but they don’t feel great! Wear shoes that provide you the most comfort, wear the suit that is a little looser so you can breathe, you will be surprised how distracting clothing can become once it is a focus.

Contact us today to see how we can take your business to the next level with video marketing.

Questions? Get in Touch!

Until Next Time,


Account Manager

Rosewood Inc.

corporate social responsibility rosewood va deanna simone

We already know that the days of operating solely for profit are long gone. Whilst this is still a priority, many businesses like, Rosewood, now care about more than just the bottom line. They now focus largely on corporate social responsibility.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is when a company operates in an ethical and sustainable way and acknowledges and handles its environmental and social impacts. This means careful consideration towards human rights, the community, environment, and society in which the business operates.

5 Ways To Be More Socially Responsible in Business

  1. Support causes close to your heart
  2. Support causes that align with your business
  3. Support your community
  4. Support your friends & family
  5. Collaborate with like-minded people and organizations

Rosewood is a Proud Supporter of Non-Profit Organizations

Here at Rosewood, CSR is undoubtedly one of our top priorities as it actually determines what clients we choose to work with. Whenever we go into business with a new client – one of our first conversations is always about the philanthropic or community work they’re involved in.

Rosewood Participates/Has Participated in:

  • Annual Big Bike for Heart and Stroke (Participant on Vince’s Market Team)
  • Pupchella Pawty for SPCA (Sponsor)
  • Walk It Off’s Annual 5K (Participant)
  • Doane House Hospice
  • Client Events & Fundraisers for Good Causes
    • Covenant House (Rob Barlow of WireIE)
    • Easter Seals Dancing with the Stars (Brian Johns & Maria Ciarlandini of Vince’s Market)

Rosewood is Working/Has Worked With:

We are proud to offer a 10% discount on all projects for qualifying Non-Profits Organizations.

Philanthropic Organizations in York Region:

There are many philanthropic groups which also allow you to network with like-minded individuals. Here are juts a few within York Region that you can attend and contribute to. Expand your network while doing good!

Rosewood founder, Deanna Simone, is currently on the board for Green Connections Networking Group, which promotes environmentally and socially responsible initiatives in York Region.  You can attend the next meeting for free as her personal guest. Email her here.

The Bottom Line

Remember that when corporate social responsibility is integrated into your business model, it can attract positive publicity, work as a marketing strategy to network with like-minded people, help attract and retain top talent, and improve relationships with customers and their communities. The benefits are far reaching, including client retention, improved sales, financial success, and a sense of community. 

“We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.” – Winston Churchill

Questions? Get in Touch!

Until Next Time,


Content Coordinator

Rosewood Inc.