Tag Archive for: Deanna Simone Rosewood VA

Blogging, RosewoodVA, Deanna Simone, Aurora, Newmarket, York Region, Website Designer

As an entrepreneur it can feel like you are endlessly changing hats. You are simultaneously your CEO, IT team, marketing agency, financier and cheerleader. When every moment matters and time management is essential, adding one more task to the mix, blogging, might have you skeptical. But blogging, writing small topic-specific posts on your website, can have incredible benefits for your business.

The Benefits of Blogging

We live in a world where people want to feel connected to the companies and services they choose to spend their time or money on. It’s the reason you will see any large company like Coca-Cola, or Nike with a ‘news’ page on their website.

Blogging on your website is a quick way to create these connections with your clients, while controlling the topics you share. It gives you the opportunity to resonate with your readers, to give clients a taste of your personality and the things that matter to you as a business owner, and to boost your credibility by communicating your knowledge of your industry.

And the marketing machine that is Google loves new content! Google wants to show searches the most recent and most relevant content specific to their search terms. Every time you create a new post for your website you help your SEO (search engine optimization) by letting the cyber world know that you are still an active thriving business.

What to Blog About

For those just starting out, this is one of the biggest hurdles, what do I write about? I’m an aesthetician, an arborist, a lawyer, what do I have to say? The answer to that is, anything.

The problem with blogging falls under our perceptions of it. Sometimes we view it as mindless drivel, when really it’s an opportunity to share knowledge about our industries. Whatever you’re business, you’ve probably been asked a question about it.

Every time someone asks you a question, this is a potential blog topic.

Maybe they want to know what the benefits of using essential oils in pedicures are, or what type of trees grow best in full sun. In my case, people often ask me what the benefits of blogging are and is it really worth their time.

Regardless of the business you’re in, questions equal opportunities for blogs, and more importantly questions equal connections with those asking.

If you’re still struggling with where to start, think about the question you get asked the most. Right there you have at least ten potential blog topics. Challenge yourself to answer those questions in a minimum of three hundred words and show your clients what you know, who you are, and why you deserve their business.

Do you want to increase your business’ online presence without breaking the bank?

I will be speaking about this topic at a Free Event presented by Green Connections Networking Group.  It will be on Tuesday, March 20th at 8:00am at NewMakeIt in Newmarket.

You’ll leave with three things you can do right away to increase your business’ online presence – for free!  You won’t want to miss this event.

We’ll be answering questions like:

  • Does your business have a website that is not getting a lot of traffic?
  • Are your Facebook posts not getting engagements?
  • Are you using Instagram to its full potential?
  • How often should you be posting?
  • What is blogging?
  • What is SEO


  • How do you improve your SEO?

Bring Your Questions

I would also like to include a Q&A session at the end, so make sure to bring your questions.  I can help regarding Websites, Social Media Management, Newsletters, Blogging, SEO, Graphic Design and much more!

Helping Small Business Owners is My Passion

Throughout my career, there has been one constant – I LOVE helping entrepreneurs and small business owners really understand their online presence. I am able to take the technical side and translate it into terms business owners can understand and appreciate.  I encourage them to ask questions so we can work together to achieve their business goals online.

Networking for Green-Minded Entrepreneurs & Small Businesses

Green Connections Networking Group is a group of entrepreneurs, small business owners and individuals interested in a Greener Future.   We discuss ways to be greener in our business and home lives.  It’s a great way to network with like-minded people!

I have been on the board of GCN for a few months now and have met some pretty incredible people from different industries.  We look forward to seeing you then!

If you’d like to attend you can find more information here: http://www.green-connections.com/

Don’t forget to join the conversation online on FacebookTwitter, and LinkedIn for even more tips.

Until next time,


Rosewood Virtual Admin Web Design Newmarket Deanna Simone

Rosewood VA Web Design Newmarket Deanna Simone

I can’t believe it… Rosewood VA is two years old!

Fall is my favourite season so it’s only fitting that Rosewood VA started during this season and gets to celebrate it every year.  Being a virtual admin is so rewarding I am so thankful to be enjoying this adventure everyday. It really is true that if we just follow our heart everything will fall into place. I am thankful for all of the life events that brought me here, doing what I love and working with such amazing people and businesses.

Thank You to My Clients

What could be better than having your dream job?  Getting to work with amazing people! The biggest thank you goes to all my clients who make me love coming to work in the morning. Whether it’s helping them with their online presence, or sitting in on a brainstorming session, I enjoy it all.  I am so fortunate to work with and learn from each of you (especially when publishing your blogs).  I truly value working together as partners towards your business goals. Thank you for your continued support!

Getting Active in the Community

As part of ‘walking the walk’, I have been getting out to many more networking events this year.  In addition to joining the board of the Green Connections Networking Group, I’ve also been attending a few women’s groups in the Newmarket area. If you’re looking to get out there too come tag along and check out my Community Calendar here.  In supporting one another, we support our community.

The Future is Bright for Rosewood VA

The future is bright for Rosewood VA.  I am an “investigator-type” with an addiction to learning. I am looking to add new services to our repertoire soon. We will also be looking to expand next year and perhaps grow our team. If you know any students with an aptitude for technology, attention to detail and who are looking for a summer job for 2018, please pass along my information.

In terms of celebrating, I’m thinking of doing something really special this weekend.  Stay tuned to find out what it is! Thank you for your continued support in Rosewood VA!  You inspire me to strive to be the best everyday.

– Deanna Simone
Owner/Virtual Admin