Tag Archive for: Entrepreneur


On Thursday, November 14th, Rosewood Founder & CEO, Deanna Simone spoke at the annual Entrepreneurs in Residence by the Aurora Public Library. The event invites 4 local entrepreneurs/small business owners to share their personal stories of entrepreneurship and then form a panel to answer attendees’ questions and share tips for growing your team.

Question #1: What Would You Tell Your Past Self About Your Business?

The questions were great! Deanna’s personal favourite was, “If you could go back in time and tell your entrepreneurial self something about your business, what would it be?” What a great question!

Deanna’s answer was, “I would go back and tell myself that you don’t have to do this alone. Asking for help and support is NOT a weakness. That being said, I would have encouraged myself to hire staff/subcontractors sooner. I waited 3 years into my business to hire someone, and I wish I had done it sooner!”.

She went on to say that “growing your business can be a daunting concept. Not only are you giving up control of your “baby”, but you have to spend time to find the right people. Practice your interviewing skills and know what values you are looking for in potential teammates”.

Question #2: How Did You Know It Was Time to Hire Someone?

One question was directed specifically at Deanna, “How did you know it was time to hire someone?”. My response was firstly, there were many signs and I wish I had done it sooner! I was overworked, overwhelmed and making way too many sacrifices. I remember pulling out my laptop after Thanksgiving dinner and working while eating pumpkin pie, or working until 1am Christmas morning so that I could have a few hours off the next day for Christmas dinner. There was a time I was wanting to quit because it was too much.

And then I read the book, Clockwork – How to Make Your Business Run Itself by Mike Michalowitz. It changed my life. It helped me realize that my time was better spent on certain areas. When I broke down the different tasks and responsibilities, it became clear where my time was best spent and what items could be delegated to someone else.  It also taught me about delegation, which is such a skill (but I’ll keep this for another time).

Since then, I’ve never looked back and we continue on with managed growth!

Tips for Growing Your Team

Since then Rosewood now has a solid team of three internal members, and a looser structure built up of several subcontractors who specialize in their individual areas. While there have certainly been setbacks, we wouldn’t trade it for anything. The team members we have now are the “A” team, and set the bar for attracting future talent with shared values.

Setting Your Organizational Values

My favourite saying is, “You can’t teach personality”. It’s so true! So instead of focusing on a set skill-set, I look for candidates who have the following traits:

  • Eagerness to improve the skills they already possess
  • Willingness to learn
  • Exceptional communication skills (as this is the Queen Bee Role of Rosewood as an organization)
  • Aptitude for technology (while not a personality trait, they should have a solid foundation in technical aptitude in order to build their skills)

As you can see from the list above, only one item has to do with technical skills. While this may sound bizarre coming from a technical business, if they have a solid technical foundation and an aptitude for learning – I can teach them anything.  This is partially because one of my strengths (and favourite things to do) is teach!

The Rosewood team now is exceptional. They bring in such an array of skills and foster a supportive environment. Although we’re subcontractor-based, we work as a team and foster a company culture together.

If you weren’t able to make it to the event, we’ve got you covered! Click here to watch Deanna’s presentation.

What Does Being An Entrepreneur Mean To You?

Being an entrepreneur means taking an idea and turning it into a reality. As a result, it gives an individual the freedom to express their creativity and explore beyond average boundaries.

Join Us!

We invite you to join us on Thursday, November 14th from 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm in the Aurora Public Library Living Room where four local entrepreneurs will share their stories and inspire others to take on the journey of becoming a self made entrepreneur. 

The Journey of Rosewood

The founder of Rosewood, Deanna Simone, will be sharing her journey as an entrepreneur and why Rosewood chooses to focus solely on serving entrepreneurs and small businesses. Deanna gets to know your business inside and out and finds the best ways to market it. Owning your own business is personal, and she believes in becoming a team to work together toward mutual success. She has made it Rosewood’s mission to provide online marketing strategies that reflect your business goals. Rosewood prides ourselves on honesty and transparency, translating technical concepts into terms that business owners can understand and appreciate.

Meet the Other Entrepreneurs in Residence Speakers

The speakers of the November 14th event will bring great background knowledge and experience that you can benefit from for your own business. Kimberley Smith is the Marketing Consultant, Instagram and Facebook Designer and Owner of Young at Heart Painting. Kimberley believes in “providing creative solutions to help improve the lives of others.” Another speaker of the event is Emily Chung, Licensed Technician and Owner of AutoNiche. Emily lives by the motto, “mental grit for the entrepreneurial journey.” Finally, Carl Milroy will be speaking at the event. Carl is the President and Managing Partner of Red Thread Brewing Co. Carl believes simply, “It’s what connects us.” 

Why Is It Important To Share Experiences and Learn From Each Others Mistakes?

It is important to share our experiences to not only learn from each other’s mistakes, but to understand that every entrepreneur will experience failure before success and to not feel discouraged in times of failure. Sharing experiences is a great way for entrepreneurs to bounce ideas off each other. It is also a great way to find some tools and skills that may work for you. Passing on knowledge from experienced entrepreneurs to those who are just starting out can be a great way to find yourself a mentor or even become a mentor for someone who is new to entrepreneurship.


This is a great opportunity to meet with new visionaries who share your same drive to succeed. There will be a Q&A with attendees after the speaking. We also have a Smartboard available for your use and refreshments for you to enjoy.

Click here to register for the Entrepreneurs in Residence event! 

words of intention 2018

As we come back from a week of holidays, I would like to share my words of intention for 2018.  This is a tradition I started thanks to Karen Armstrong of Inside Out.

Instead of setting New Year’s Resolutions, we set Words of Intention that we would like to keep in mind for the New Year.  I like to practice this as I think we can learn something every day, week and year.

Balance (Work/Life)

This past year, I learned a lot about work/life balance and why it is so necessary for entrepreneurs to have this.  I started 2017 with a bang.  Part of getting to work with other entrepreneurs is that they are equally as excited for the new opportunities of a new year: new websites, new marketing, new businesses, etc. Therefore, January is a VERY busy month for Rosewood VA.

Last year, after working my butt off from dawn til dusk for all of January and February, my body shut down with the worst cold I’ve ever had. And not just the sniffles. I was bed-ridden for a full week, and sick for a total of 3 weeks. My body was telling me that it could not support my work habits.

So this year, I intend to focus more on that work/life balance which is always difficult because I love my job.  I enjoy working as much as I enjoy other “life” activities.  But there can be balance, and I will focus on that.


Because of my crazy schedule last year, it wasn’t easy to see my friends and family as much as I wanted to. I would have to cancel last minute because work always takes priority. This year, I will have to stand up and commit my time to my friends.

I would also like to make new friendships, both inside and outside of work/networking.  I have met some amazing people through Rosewood VA, and I will focus on continuing that trend this year.

Actively Explore

I love living a healthy balanced lifestyle. I try to eat healthy and exercise when I can.  I would like to extend on that by being active while exploring new places.  Instead of presents this past Christmas, my husband and I are purchasing mountain bikes so we can explore new places while being active together. We’re fortunate to live in Uxbridge which is the trail capital of Canada. I can’t wait!

While this may not seem revolutionary, that’s the point. These are attainable intentions to focus on every day throughout the year. What are some of your intentions for 2018?

Don’t forget to join the conversation online on FacebookTwitter, and LinkedIn. And sign up for our monthly news for even more tips.

Until next time,
