Tag Archive for: websites for small business

local business networking rosewood va deanna simone

As a small business owner – you know that networking is one of the most important skills that you should learn in order to make your business a success story. Building a successful business takes time and dedication, so it is a great idea to have a network of business professionals to keep you inspired and motivated.

By surrounding yourself with people who share a similar passion and determination, you are more likely to move forward and achieve the results you want. Business networking is a valuable way to expand your knowledge, learn from the success of others, acquire new clients, increase your brand’s awareness, and make friends! 

Rosewood strongly believes in the power of teamwork to successfully reach goals – both personally and professionally. But what’s even more valued, is forming a strong and active LOCAL business network that can help your business grow and flourish in the specific city or region that you serve.

And there are a ton of local business, philanthropic, and interest-based groups to connect with! From “Mom’s in Business” to Green Connections – which supports environmentally and socially conscious business practices.

Rosewood LOVES to Network!

Rosewood is a proud member of:

We also recommend:

Here at Rosewood, we are huge fans of Organic Networking, and just getting out there and meeting people! Selling is typically an afterthought after forming these amazing business relationships.

And one last thing – networking groups take a bit of a hiatus in the summer, but September is just around the corner! Now is the time to check out some of these groups. You can usually attend for free as a guest your first time.

Our Top 5 Benefits to Local Business Networking (not in any particular order!)

  1. Business Opportunities
  2. Valuable Advice
  3. New Clientele
  4. Enhance your Personal Brand
  5. Friendship!

These are just a few of the incredible reasons why local business networking is so important for both your personal and professional growth. Connecting with people who have business experience and share similar interests will undoubtedly help your own brand flourish!

Let’s Connect

Do you have any networking questions or comments to share? Feel free to get in touch with us directly for guidance – we are always happy to help. And of course, we would love to connect with you on InstagramLinkedIn, and Facebook!

Happy Networking!


Content Coordinator

Rosewood Inc.

Photo courtesy of Rhonda McNeil of Catch the Brand Photography

5 ways to stay focused this summer rosewood deanna simone

Summertime is officially in full effect – complete with rising temperatures, family activities, exciting trips, pleasant weather, and BBQs with friends. I am sure that almost every business owner can agree – it’s incredibly challenging to maintain the same level of focus on your work during the warmer months.

Let’s be real here – how are you supposed to maintain productivity with so much other stuff going on? That’s where this article can help! By implementing a few simple changes to your routine, you will be shocked at how productive your summers will become! Check out our top 5 summer-specific tips to stay on task below.

  1. Take Breaks Often

Even if you only have 5 minutes to spare, always try to find ways to take a quick break to rejuvenate your mind and body. A few of my favourite tactics include:

  • Going for a walk around the block with my dog
  • Stepping outside and soaking in the sunlight for a few minutes
  • Powering through a quick yoga/pilates session to re-energize the muscles
  • Having a yummy and brain-boosting drink to cool off (my go-to favourites are fresh lemonade and fruit smoothies)
  • Taking a quick, 15-minute nap (if your physical location allows it)

Even just a few moments away from your desk can help put you back into the correct mindset to get things done.

  1. Keep Your Eyes on the Prize

If you have a special event or vacation coming up, remind yourself that keeping your work-life in order will make your time off even sweeter. If you set your priorities straight now and get your work under control before you go away, you will be able to enjoy it even more wholeheartedly. It is always less stressful to leave for a vacation when there isn’t any unfinished work or loose ends to worry about.

Our very own founder and CEO of Rosewood, Deanna Simone, reflects on her recent vacation to Europe – “I took my first vacation in almost 4 years since starting the business. I ensured that I had a team to cover the day-to-day operations and guarantee no fires started. It allowed me to rest and come back rejuvenated and with a renewed passion for my business!”

  1. Don’t Forget to Treat Yourself!

Plan to allow yourself to indulge in something you really love after you’ve completed tiresome tasks. For example, if you need to get through a long day (or week!) of client meetings and tedious paperwork, you may promise to treat yourself afterwards. This could be a trip to the movies, a bubble bath, a night out with friends, a massage, a new outfit, anything goes! Knowing you’ve earned your special treat will make your hard work that much more meaningful.

  1. Limit Time on Social Media

Try your absolute hardest to refrain from scanning the news feeds of your personal accounts until after you have finished your work for the day. When you’re trying to focus on work, seeing your friends vacation pictures won’t help you concentrate on what you need to accomplish.

A big portion of my own job as a social media coordinator, is to tend to the social media accounts of my clients. However, I am consistently working on fighting the urge to take a quick peek on what is happening on the news feeds of my personal accounts until my time is clear to do that.

  1. Find a Change of Scenery

Of course, it is understandable that getting away isn’t always an option. In those situations, consider moving your work somewhere outdoors for a change of scenery. For example, if I’m craving a breath of fresh air, I’ll take my laptop to a nice park, an outdoor cafe, or sometimes even the front porch or backyard will do. Just a simple and temporary change in your physical environment can do wonders for your mood and motivation.

Voila! By taking these 5 tips into consideration, you will quickly realize that summer doesn’t have to sabotage your business goals. You can enjoy what the season has to offer while staying focused on your career—all it takes is a little creativity and self-discipline.

Questions or Comments? Get in Touch!

Until Next Time,


Content Coordinator

Rosewood Inc.

corporate social responsibility rosewood va deanna simone

We already know that the days of operating solely for profit are long gone. Whilst this is still a priority, many businesses like, Rosewood, now care about more than just the bottom line. They now focus largely on corporate social responsibility.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is when a company operates in an ethical and sustainable way and acknowledges and handles its environmental and social impacts. This means careful consideration towards human rights, the community, environment, and society in which the business operates.

5 Ways To Be More Socially Responsible in Business

  1. Support causes close to your heart
  2. Support causes that align with your business
  3. Support your community
  4. Support your friends & family
  5. Collaborate with like-minded people and organizations

Rosewood is a Proud Supporter of Non-Profit Organizations

Here at Rosewood, CSR is undoubtedly one of our top priorities as it actually determines what clients we choose to work with. Whenever we go into business with a new client – one of our first conversations is always about the philanthropic or community work they’re involved in.

Rosewood Participates/Has Participated in:

  • Annual Big Bike for Heart and Stroke (Participant on Vince’s Market Team)
  • Pupchella Pawty for SPCA (Sponsor)
  • Walk It Off’s Annual 5K (Participant)
  • Doane House Hospice
  • Client Events & Fundraisers for Good Causes
    • Covenant House (Rob Barlow of WireIE)
    • Easter Seals Dancing with the Stars (Brian Johns & Maria Ciarlandini of Vince’s Market)

Rosewood is Working/Has Worked With:

We are proud to offer a 10% discount on all projects for qualifying Non-Profits Organizations.

Philanthropic Organizations in York Region:

There are many philanthropic groups which also allow you to network with like-minded individuals. Here are juts a few within York Region that you can attend and contribute to. Expand your network while doing good!

Rosewood founder, Deanna Simone, is currently on the board for Green Connections Networking Group, which promotes environmentally and socially responsible initiatives in York Region.  You can attend the next meeting for free as her personal guest. Email her here.

The Bottom Line

Remember that when corporate social responsibility is integrated into your business model, it can attract positive publicity, work as a marketing strategy to network with like-minded people, help attract and retain top talent, and improve relationships with customers and their communities. The benefits are far reaching, including client retention, improved sales, financial success, and a sense of community. 

“We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.” – Winston Churchill

Questions? Get in Touch!

Until Next Time,


Content Coordinator

Rosewood Inc.