Tag Archive for: virtual administrator newmarket

virtual admin services newmarket

I wanted to take the time to write a somewhat personal blog.  As we all know when you’re an entrepreneur your personal and professional lives usually are intertwined.

About three weeks ago I came down with the worst cold I’ve ever had.  It took me 16 days to recover. I know it was due to a combination of stress and thinking that I was invincible. The fact is no one is invincible, even the entrepreneur who tries to be everything and do everything.

I learned it’s okay to ask for help; something that I’m not used to doing.  You can’t wear all the hats all the time.  That is partially why I love my job so much, because I often get to be the backup behind the busy entrepreneur.  When they just have too much on their plate, I love being able to help.

Having Transparency in Business

Some virtual admins would be hesitant to talk about having to take downtime because it may look “bad for business”.  But I highly believe in transparency in my business.  Yes, I was sick, it can happen to anyone.  Yes, I had to ask some clients if some of their non-critical work could wait a few days.  However, anything urgent STILL GOT DONE!

I was actually in the middle of a large E-Commerce website launch.  I got sick the Thursday, I had to do an in-person presentation with them Friday morning, and the store went live Friday evening.  But I got through it, then hit the hay from 7pm Friday until 9am Monday morning.  Usually I work on weekends too, so to me it felt like 2 days off (even then I will admit I couldn’t help checking my phone and responding to emails). Read more

stay productive during the holidays

With the holidays approaching, I thought I would take the time to share how I stay productive during the busy holiday season.  Christmas is coming up on Sunday.  I, like most entrepreneurs, will be working through the holidays.

It’s easy to get caught up in the stress and busyness of the holidays, but here are my tips to stay productive during the holidays.

1. Stay Organized

If you have not spent time already GETTING organized, I highly recommend you do!  This will be your saving grace during your most busy times.

Phone Calendar: I love my Samsung Galaxy S6.  And I love that my email and email calendar sync with this phone.  I can add appointments via my phone, or from Outlook on my desktop.  The BEST part about this is that my phone REMINDS ME of my appointments!



Agenda: In addition to my phone calendar, I also keep an agenda.  I am a very visual person, so writing my appointments triggers my memory.  I more so remember that I wrote something down, which reminds me to check.  Right now, I’m using this Kate Spade planner.  It’s not dated, which I personally love!  It comes with a section of sticky-notes and a task section. As well as flag sticky-notes!

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Reposting on Instagram for Business


What are the rules for reposting on Instagram? Should you do it?  What if you sell their product in your store?  What if you think they took a beautiful photo that would flow with your Insta-Story?  How do you know when reposting on Instagram is okay or not?

I get asked this question all the time.  With other social media streams like Facebook and YouTube, there are clear rules and guidelines for this.  Instagram is different.

There are no crystal clear rules.  Then how do you know how to behave properly when it comes to reposting on Instagram for Business accounts?  Here’s what you should know.

What Do Instagram’s Terms & Conditions Say?

Not a whole lot actually. Other social media streams like Facebook and YouTube, there are clear rules and guidelines for this.  Instagram is different.

What They DO Say

  • You must be over 13 years of age
  • Content must not be offensive
  • You are responsible for your own account
  • You must not defame or imitate someone else
  • Do not use it for illegal purposes
  • Don’t send viruses/malware through Instagram
  • Don’t use bots, crawlers, etc.
  • Follow the community guidelines…

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