social media policies for employees

social media policies for employeesWe’re living in the age of social media.  It’s everywhere, and (almost) everyone is on it.  Whether it be Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, Snapchat, Tumblr, Reddit, Imgur, etc. do you know what people are saying about your business?

Other than doing your best to provide exceptional products and services, you really can’t control what the general public says about your business.  If someone does say something negative about your business, read my blog on how to handle negative reviews.

You can however control how your employees talk about your business.  This is a new type of stipulation that can be worked into the employee introductory handbooks that they are given upon hire, and that they must sign.  The handbooks outline the basic guidelines required of employees.  But does your handbook say anything about social media policies? Read more


In light of the cyber-attacks last week in London, Eng and also in Oshawa, ON I would like to share some tips and best practices for preventing/dealing with a cyber attack.

I sent this information as an email to my clients, and would like to also share it here. This is a critical concern, as it was brought to my attention yesterday that some local websites in Uxbridge (none of mine) were hacked on Saturday.

From my past experience in IT and dealing with two Ransomware Attacks, I wanted to share some best practices on how to avoid malware/ransomware and also what to do if you are “attacked”.

  1. Tips to Avoid Getting “Malware” Through Email:

    • If you receive an email from an unknown sender:
      • Don’t click on any links or download any attachments
    • Check the email for spelling/grammar mistakes
    • Check the email address for unusual spelling/formatting

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