Tag Archive for: Online Marketing Agency

words of intention 2018

As we come back from a week of holidays, I would like to share my words of intention for 2018.  This is a tradition I started thanks to Karen Armstrong of Inside Out.

Instead of setting New Year’s Resolutions, we set Words of Intention that we would like to keep in mind for the New Year.  I like to practice this as I think we can learn something every day, week and year.

Balance (Work/Life)

This past year, I learned a lot about work/life balance and why it is so necessary for entrepreneurs to have this.  I started 2017 with a bang.  Part of getting to work with other entrepreneurs is that they are equally as excited for the new opportunities of a new year: new websites, new marketing, new businesses, etc. Therefore, January is a VERY busy month for Rosewood VA.

Last year, after working my butt off from dawn til dusk for all of January and February, my body shut down with the worst cold I’ve ever had. And not just the sniffles. I was bed-ridden for a full week, and sick for a total of 3 weeks. My body was telling me that it could not support my work habits.

So this year, I intend to focus more on that work/life balance which is always difficult because I love my job.  I enjoy working as much as I enjoy other “life” activities.  But there can be balance, and I will focus on that.


Because of my crazy schedule last year, it wasn’t easy to see my friends and family as much as I wanted to. I would have to cancel last minute because work always takes priority. This year, I will have to stand up and commit my time to my friends.

I would also like to make new friendships, both inside and outside of work/networking.  I have met some amazing people through Rosewood VA, and I will focus on continuing that trend this year.

Actively Explore

I love living a healthy balanced lifestyle. I try to eat healthy and exercise when I can.  I would like to extend on that by being active while exploring new places.  Instead of presents this past Christmas, my husband and I are purchasing mountain bikes so we can explore new places while being active together. We’re fortunate to live in Uxbridge which is the trail capital of Canada. I can’t wait!

While this may not seem revolutionary, that’s the point. These are attainable intentions to focus on every day throughout the year. What are some of your intentions for 2018?

Don’t forget to join the conversation online on FacebookTwitter, and LinkedIn. And sign up for our monthly news for even more tips.

Until next time,


Should Your Business Run a Boxing Day Promotion?

Black Friday and Cyber Monday recently passed and Boxing Day is coming up.  Did you buy something on Black Friday?  If so, what was it that lead you to make a purchase?  Perhaps you had signed up to a newsletter list and received their special offer right to your inbox. Perhaps you were waiting for a sale on a specific product, and did a Google search to find the best sale.

Should Your Small Business Run a Boxing Day Promotion?

I will admit that I made two purchases, one on Black Friday and one on Cyber Monday. On Black Friday I purchased a pair of much needed winter boots.  How did I find the best deal? I subscribed to several store websites earlier that week, then I received all the deals directly via email. Then on Cyber Monday, I monitored deals from one of my favourite websites www.well.ca and www.indigo.ca and made purchases for Christmas presents for my family (I can’t mention them here, because they’ll read this!).

Whatever method you used, as a business owner, it’s important to reflect upon your own consumer habits.  Can your habits be translated to your business?

What Type of Products/Services Sell Best on Black Friday/Cyber Monday/Boxing Day

After reviewing a list of the best Black Friday deals of Amazon.com, the top items all seem to come in under $100, or at least with multiple options of pricing, with the lowest being under $100.  Take for example the Instant Pot.  This has been and continues to be one of the best sellers on Amazon.  They have options of:

  • Under $70
  • Under $100
  • Under $150
  • Over $200

I feel that items under $100 make for perfect gifts, while over $100 would be someone buying for themselves that has done their research about the features they need.

If your products are over $200 or the pride of your business is amazing customer service rather than low prices, you may need a different marketing plan…

Promoting and UnFriday / UnCyber / UnBoxing Day Sale

I work with businesses in a variety of industries and I do not believe in a one-size-fits-all solution. One client sells stand up paddle boards and accessories. His products range from $500-$4000 and his audience is narrow in that they have to be interested in water sports, or looking to upgrade to a better board. For him, we tried a few Black Friday promotions, but ultimately weren’t getting any calls. He prides his business on exceptional knowledge and customer service. We felt that this sale day just didn’t fit with the vision of his business.

So we posted an UnFriday / UnCyber promotion to social media.  Connecting with followers and sending the message that Maui North isn’t about pushing tons of products at cheap prices, but about building a relationship with its customers. The process of picking the perfect board is hard to do by yourself.  But when you contact Maui North they’ll take care of you personally to find the best one for you. We encouraged them to unplug, and enjoy family time.  While letting them know that we’d still love to help them when they are looking.

Our strategy did a complete 180, and we actually found better results by being honest to the brand and vision.  Just because they didn’t’ make a sale on that day, we may have made a connection so that when that person is looking for SUP, they trust us enough to call us.

Be True to Yourself

I find myself always repeating that message, be true to yourself as an entrepreneur in business and great things can happen!  I finally listened to my own advice and did a complete rebrand of Rosewood VA. The new branding better reflects my personality, and I think it looks great!

Don’t forget to join the conversation online on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. And sign up for our monthly news for even more tips.

Until next time,


Rosewood Virtual Agency - Online Marketing Firm Newmarket and Aurora - Social Media Marketing, Web Design, Graphic Design, SEO Services Newmarket

I am very excited to share with you my first blog post as Rosewood VA. I, Deanna Simone, have long thought about starting my own business in Online Strategies, but never did I think that this day would come so soon.

We meet people everyday and some may surprise us with the impact they have on our path in life.  I have been extremely fortunate in having been introduced to Joanne Burgess. Joanne is a Social Media Expert, having her own business in York Region for 25 years. It is now time for Joanne to put her feet up as she will be ending this entrepreneurial chapter of her life on December 31st and starting a new adventure in her well-earned retirement.  Joanne has genially taken me under her wing and entrusted me with some of her vast knowledge of online strategies.  She has also introduced me to several of her clients to whom I promise to uphold the same level of commitment shown by Joanne. Read more