website security internet security cyber security

Website security is always a top concern when building or maintaining a website. But most people don’t fully understand what they’re securing, or what they’re protecting themselves from. I’d like to share some basic information and preventative measures for website security.

A few months ago, one of my client’s websites was HACKED.  I feel this is not an issue most web developers like to talk about as they feel it indicates we did something wrong.  I pride myself on being transparent in my business, and would like to share my experience with how we handled this issue and what we can learn going forward.

Sometimes Security BEST Practices are not enough

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new year's inspirations

You either love making New Year’s Resolutions, or you hate it.  This year I decided to do something different.  I reached out to some of my clients and asked for their New Year’s Inspirations for 2017.

What’s unique is that they’re all local small business owners or entrepreneurs, in a range of very different industries!

But let’s see if they have similar New Year’s Inspirations! Read more