Social Media Marketing

Chances are you have some experience with social media in one way or another, most likely with a personal Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn account.  However there are many streams of social media with new ones popping up every day, some of them failing, and some of them taking off.

Most people are familiar with Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Google+, etc.  But there may be some you haven’t heard of or simply haven’t used like Snapchat, Instagram, Periscope, Vimeo,  Flickr, Tumblr, etc.

How do you know what you should be using to market your business most effectively?

What is Social Media Marketing?

Social Media Marketing is a form of marketing that utilizes social media streams to connect with customers.  And, as with any marketing, ultimately generate leads and/or business.

Why use social media marketing?

I have built my business model around a holistic approach to online strategies.  Meaning that I look at the individual pieces as a whole.

A great website coupled with a strong reach and following on social media streams will bring you the best return.

A website is where the cold-hard facts about your business live.  Social media is where the warmth of your personality shines onto your business.  The combination of both creates a perfect balance.

How do you market using social media?

That is the million dollar question.  There have been many studies done on the individual usage trends of social media, but less when it comes from a business perspective.  My advice is to be selective in choosing where to market yourself online.  As an entrepreneur/small business owner, we have limited financial resources and need the best bang for our buck.

There are many ways to use social media to build brand awareness and build relationships with current and potential customers.  I can’t give them all away here, but you’re welcome to reach out to me for a coffee & chat.

Why should I consider outsourcing to someone for my social media marketing?

Again, with my rule of transparency and honesty, in all actualities you can do your own social media marketing.  However, you will need to invest time to learn the ins and outs of each stream.  The rules, regulations and guidelines are updated on a regular basis, there are new features being released, updated all the time.  It takes time to syndicate your content to all these different places.

Yes, you can do it yourself if you have the time but, if you’re like most entrepreneurs, you probably don’t. Outsourcing can be an affordable option for you.

As always, if you have any questions I would love to connect with you via email, Twitter, Facebook or just from a comment below.

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