Networking Tips for New Entrepreneurs in Newmarket, Aurora and East Gwillimbury

This may seem strange coming from online marketing specialists, however, in-person networking can be a great addition to an online campaign. Throughout our cumulative professional experience, Rosewood VA aims to inspire our clients in other methods of marketing including promotional marketing and, most importantly, networking. Why, you might ask? The more people you meet, the more potential clients who will visit your website. The more visits to your website increases your SEO. Then your website can close the deal!

I have been networking in the Newmarket, Aurora & East Gwillimbury communities for over 10 years.  If I can make one suggestion to new entrepreneurs and small business owners, it would be to NETWORK!  Step outside your comfort zone and get out there.

Our Networking Tips for New Entrepreneurs in Newmarket, Aurora and East Gwillimbury

Marketing is all about finding the best streams for your business. For Rosewood VA, in addition to our website and online leads, the other stream has been networking. We are a member of several local groups, and serve on the Volunteer Board of Green Connections Networking group, which focuses on promoting “green” business practices. We also attend some events as guests; paying for the meeting to see if you’d like to join the group.

Here are our top tips for networking for new entrepreneurs.

Things to Ask Yourself Before choosing a Networking Group/Event:

  1. Who is your target audience? (Demographic Information such as age, sex, income level, etc.)
  2. What is Your Cost of Acquisition for a New Client?
  3. What’s Your Yearly Networking Budget?

Once you answer these questions, you can narrow down the list of possible networking events.

Go Where Your Potential Clients Are

This is the number one factor I consider when looking at which networking groups to attend. As an entrepreneur, your time is valuable, and this can help eliminate a few groups right away. After you’ve identified your target audience, use that to compare the potential networking group options.  You want to ensure that your target audience will be in attendance.

Attend First Meetings as a Guest

Networking doesn’t have to break the bank either.  Instead of joining several groups right away, first attend those meetings as a guest. It’s a great way to meet the group members and see if the attendees align with your determined target audience. If they have a website or Facebook page, send a message to the host asking to attend as a guest.

In addition to that, there are several groups that have small annual fees. I prefer these ones as a new entrepreneur as some other group fees can be steep.  Always remember to record your ROI from Networking groups.

Some great local options:

Giving Back is a Bonus

I feel that there is a new wave of networking groups emerging with a philanthropic twist.  Most of these groups have been around for some time, but the awareness is growing.

Some great local options:

If you would like to attend any networking groups with Rosewood VA, please contact us below. Here is a blog we wrote with more networking tips.

I hope you enjoyed these networking tip for entrepreneurs in Newmarket, Aurora and East Gwillimbury.  Networking truly is a great way to increase your business’ visibility.

For more tips like these you can follow us on FacebookTwitter, and LinkedIn.

Good luck and happy networking!


Accounts, Passwords and Ownership - Web Design Services Newmarket Rosewood VA

Accounts, Passwords and Ownership - Web Design Services Newmarket Rosewood VA

Most businesses have a website.  With that website comes a TON of associated accounts, usernames and passwords.  Do you have a process for recording and organizing this information?  If not, you could be lining yourself up for major headaches when you actually need access.  I’m going to share some tips and best practices for recording and organizing passwords, accounts and who should hold ownership of these items.

Website Access

Unless you moonlight as a web designer, chances are you had someone build your website for you. When they finished the project, did they supply you with login access?  What level of access did they give you: administrator or simply user?

What happens if that company goes out of business?  Now you have no way into your website, and no one is answering your phone calls or emails.  This may force you to build a new website. But the next problem presents itself, did that bankrupt company provide you with your domain and hosting credentials?

Domain & Hosting Access

There are two services that websites require to operate: a domain and a hosting plan. The domain is the actual URL or Web Address of your website i.e. The hosting plan is the space on a server that your website needs in order to be on the World Wide Web. In some cases, both services are under the same provider, with one username/password.  However usually they are between two, three, sometimes even four providers depending on how many domains you own.

I have one client who has 5 domains and has been in business for many years. During this time, she has used 3 different web service providers who all preferred to use different domain registrars. This has led to a hunt to track down all the credentials for each domain.

Avoid These Headaches – Ask for Your Passwords Up Front

Be up front in asking for your passwords. If the vendor doesn’t want to provide you with this information, what’s their reason for not sharing this with you? More often than not, it’s because they want to tie you to their services. Trying to take charge of something you’re unfamiliar with is a hassle; they know this and can try to capitalize on it.

Choose to Work with a Transparent Company

Ask questions before you sign a contract. I always prefer to register my clients’ hosting accounts in their own name billed directly to their own credit card. I will fully manage it for them, but this way there is never a struggle for ownership. That way they have full freedom and can never be “held ransom” by an organization.

Keep Your Own Master Credentials List

I always recommend either you keep a copy of your credentials, or your VA does and shares an updated version with you frequently. There are many ways to record your credentials, and the right one for you depends on your level of confidence and security with storing information online.

I personally believe in keeping records in multiple ways. I keep a version on a Secure physical backup drive, then on a secure cloud. And I actually keep some very critical information only written and in a secure location. It’s ultimately up to you, find what works best and stick to it! Out of date passwords are just as bad as no password at all!

If you have questions about your current configurations, access or ownership, please reach out. I love helping my clients find peace of mind.

Don’t forget to join the conversation online on FacebookTwitter, and LinkedIn for even more tips.

Until next time,


Black Friday Deals for Entrepreneurs - Rosewood VA Web Design Newmarket

Black Friday is a great opportunity for small businesses to boast their best deal as a “foot-in-the-door” opportunity with new customers. Not only will the customer get a great deal, but they’ll see first hand your great customer service and potentially other products/services they’re interested in.

Part of being an entrepreneur is finding balance between your working life and personal life.  I value health and wellness and I believe this focus makes my business better too.

That’s why I’ve decided to put together a list of Black Friday Deals for Entrepreneurs. This includes items to make your work and home life more efficient! By the way, these are not affiliate links, just actual products that I find interesting, and may be purchasing for myself!

Black Friday Deals for Entrepreneurs

Instant Pot from

While I don’t have one, I may purchase one on Black Friday.  The idea is very attractive and I’ve seen food bloggers prepare chicken breasts in under 10 minutes!  There are different sizes and options, and I’d suggest purchasing an Instant Pot Cookbook as well.

On sale for $67.99 (regularly $89.95)

Click here…

Huion LB4 Rechargeable Light Box from

For entrepreneurs that deal with drawings, this is a great tool to not only streamline your business but also reduce paper waste.  It’s self-powered and chargers with a USB cable.

On sale for $62.99

Click here…

Kindle Paperwhite, 6″ from

Great for reading on the go, this Kindle $40.00 off for Black Friday! Again with the concept of saving paper, and it’s also easier on your eyes compared to reading documents on an iPad.

On sale for $99.99 (regularly $139.99)

Click here…

Essential Oil Diffusers

Diffusers are one of those things that people are hesitant about. While people have been using essential oils for thousands of years, it’s a fairly newer health trend.  I started with a cheap diffuser from Amazon, which broke last week, so I replaced it with a better quality one.  What I found is not only did the essential oils have an impact on my mood, but because the diffuser acts as a humidifier, I actually had a better quality sleep.  I am an open-mouth breather and usually get a dry mouth and nose – but not with a diffuser beside my bed!  The one I purchased is from  by Villain, but there are a ton of deals out there for Black Friday!

Try and see for yourself.

These are just some items I feel would be helpful for the busy entrepreneur.  After all, a healthier personal life makes us healthier in business!

What are some Black Friday deals you’ve had your eyes on?

Don’t forget to join the conversation online on FacebookTwitter, and LinkedIn. And sign up for our monthly news for even more tips.

Until next time,
